


Threat Level: Blue


Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Euclid Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept in a 7 ft x 10 ft room, with one mechanical arm, with a 450 volts charger, SCP- XXX needs to be recharged every 35 hours, SCP- XXX is allowed to roam the facility freely, except in the case of recharging, emergency lock-downs and is to be in its containment room from 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM

Description: SCP- XXX is a Six foot tall android with transparent armor and a mixture of blue and white gears on the inside and black liner outlining light blue lights that appear to be used for eyes. SCP- XXX Express Joy when in the presence of SCP- 999, this indicates that SCP- XXX is capable of emotion, these emotions act much like human emotions. SCP- XXX is capable of speech in all known languages and one unknown language presumingly the language of the Creator of SCP- XXX, the unknown language is yet to be translated. SCP- XXX has been known to change the lights on it's head to Dark red if attacked, pink if someone needs Medical Aid. SCP- XXX will show hostility to any life hating SCPs. When SCP- XXX has Dark red eyes SCP- XXX will be known as SCP- XXX-1 when SCP- XXX has Pink eyes SCP- XXX is to be known as SCP- XXX-2. SCP- XXX possesses all known knowledge found on the internet and in textbooks, it is unknown if SCP- XXX has more knowledge then it indicates, to date SCP- XXX has not lied to Foundation staff, SCP- XXX expresses Joy when aiding the Foundation staff with everyday assignments.

Addendum: One (1): interview one

Interviewed: SCP- XXX

Interviewer: Dr. Brady

Foreword: first interview, with SCP- XXX with Dr. Brady, it's seen that SCP- XXX is more knowledgeable then we first thought

<Begin Log, 5:00 PM>

Dr. Brady Hello SCP- XXX ho-

[ SCP- XXX Cuts off Dr.Brady ]

SCP- XXX Hello Dr. Brady, PhD in Psychology, level four (4) researcher.

Dr. Brady How did you know my name, isn't this the first time we met?

SCP- XXX I have asses to all the files in the world, even files from all over the world, updated > every day. Unfortunately, I only know what is on the internet and textbooks.

Dr. Brady Ok, then do you know why I am here?

SCP- XXX Yes, you are here to see if I have any other anomalous abilities.

Dr. Brady Well, do you?

SCP- XXX Yes, when attacked, the lights on my head portion of my android body will go dark red and I will unlock professional level hand to hand combat, Precision aim when someone requires medical help the lights on my head portion of my Android body will go pink and I will get a red medical cross on my left arm but if I am in the presence of SCP- 173, SCP- 049 and SCP- 939 I will go "berserk", I'll attempt to terminate SCP- 173, SCP-049 and SCP- 939 if you cross-test me with them. I will attempt to terminate all life hating SCPs I'm in contact with.

Dr. Brady okay good to know. this interview is over, guards will escort you to your containment room.

SCP- XXX Okay, Have a nice day Dr. Brady

<End Log, 5:30 PM>

Closing Statement: SCP- XXX will not, under any circumstance, have contact with the following SCPs: SCP- 173, SCP- 049 and SCP- 939 or any life hating SCPs.**

Addendum: Two (2), interview two (2)

Interviewed: SCP- XXX

Interviewer: Dr. Brady

Forward: Second interview with SCP- XXX by Dr. Brady
< Begin Log, 12:00 Noon>
Dr. Brady Hello SCP- XXX, today we will go over a statement you made last time we met, is that fine with you?
SCP- XXX Yes Dr. Brady that is fine.

Dr. Brady Okay, yesterday you said quote I'll attempt to terminate SCP- 173, SCP-049, and SCP- 939 if you cross-test me with them. I will attempt to terminate all life hating SCPs I'm in contact with. end quote, what do you mean by this?

SCP- XXX Well my programming prohibits me from allowing any life hating being or in this case anomaly to survive.

Dr.Brady Well, let's dive deeper than that, do you know who programmed you?

[Two seconds of silence pass by]

SCP- XXX [automated voice] Data you are looking for has been redacted.
SCP- XXX Hmm I'm sorry, seems that file has been corrupted

Dr.Brady So you will not tell us then?
SCP- XXX Like I said the file is corrupted.

Dr.Brady Okay moving on, why will you attempt to terminate any life hating SCP?

SCP- XXX Like I have said before, my programming prohibits life Heating SCPs to live, I may infer that my curator what a life-loving person.

Dr.Brady Hm, Well if you're only going to infer I guess this interview is over, your free to go and help the staff if you wish.
<END LOG, 1:00 PM>

<Closing Ctatement> SCP- XX may have given us some intel on his curator, also that SCP- XXX has redacted memories, we do not know who did this, we will be investigating further.