The Crying Sickness
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Item #: SCP-4391

Object Class: Keter

Description: SCP 4391 is a microbe virus that affects the human Amygdala which can cause sadness and depression along with stress. The origin of SCP 4391 is unknown. SCP 4391 is able to travel by oxygen and other gas particles . However the probability of being infected by SCP 4391 is very low by 23%. SCP 4391 has three stages while the Amygdala is infected.

STAGE 1- Controllable crying: Upon being diagnosed with SCP 4391 the victim begins to feel depressed and will start sobbing in corners and under desks and beds. Can be controlled by certain actions. Can be cured by surgery or anti-depressant.

STAGE 2- Uncontrollable Sobbing and Self-Harm: Victim will have urge to commit suicide. Amygdala is highly infected. And victim will sob for 3 hours along with hitting self,biting arm or hand,and performing certain gestures.Such as pointing guns towards head or heart with finger or slicing throat. Can be cured by surgery

STAGE 3- Serious Uncontrollable Sobbing and Screaming and Very Strong urge to Suicide: Victim will have panic attacks along with banging head against objects,shooting self,stabbing self, and any other form of life-ending self harm. Victim will also begin painful screams and uncontrollable sobbing. Cannot be cured in any way.

Special Containment Procedures: Any victims infected with SCP 4391 must immediately be treated with surgery or anti-depressant. Any personnel who is infected or has seen or heard another personnel (specifically Class A or B personnel) diagnosed with SCP 4391 must report to medical offices immediately.

Test A - May 8th 2008

Subject: D Class ████
Procedure:D Class ████ is infected (by syringe) with SCP 4391 and must report symptoms. And also must be kept in a small cell *
Results:D Class ████ reports himself crying about [DATA EXPUNGED] and an arson crime.**
Analysis:D Class ████ may be suicidal. Feel pretty bad. Except for the Arson

Test B - May 9th 2008

Subject:D Class ████
Procedure:D Class ████ must report symptoms again.
Results:D Class ████ is very unresponsive and has given me very little details. Saw bite marks on his arms and he's bleeding too.
Analysis:D Class ████ is really starting to regret that arson crime he committed. In my opinion the Amygdala is starting to corrupt D Class ████'s memory. But the Amygdala is not connected with the Hippocampus. So does SCP 4391 cause PTSD?

Test C - May 10th 2008

Subject:D Class ████
Procedure:D Class ████ must report symptoms again.
Results:So I found D Class ████ dead with a large head wound and blood on the walls. I asked Dr.████ if he knew something about this since he called me down to ████'s cell and he heard screaming along with banging on the door and wall. This is going to traumatize me for days.
Analysis: SCP 4391 is very serious and pretty terrifying when I think about it. My conclusion is that if any SCP 4391 Foundation Personnel is infected with SCP 4391 must report to the medical office.