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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid (indicate which class)

Special Containment Procedures: [Paragraphs explaining the procedures]
SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a replication of his former room this is because the object becomes agitated when in a strange environment two persons who look like the objects parents must visit him twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening the “mother” must kiss the object goodnight,And the “father”is to say “good morning champ” every day if these actions are forgotten the object will enter a rage state if this happens a lockdown will ensue and for two days the object is to be left alone with no contact to other people this procedure is called “grownding” the object

Description: [Paragraphs explaining the description]
SCP-XXXX looks and acts like an eleven year old child but it is approximately 80 years old
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]