
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedure:
SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 5m x 5m x 5m cell made of re-enforced concrete. The cell must contain an air lock with electromagnetic sensors at both doors to prevent any breach attempts made by SCP-XXXX. There must be three level 3 personnel at all times each with one known dead family member or friend after a one week period but no longer than one year of their death to surveillance SCP-XXXX, the personnel are to keep surveillance SCP-XXXX for one year to make sure that specimen does not become fully transparent to the personnel. Food is not required as it consumes the souls of anyone who has died although if it requests food, the personnel are permitted to supply SCP-XXXX with raw meat for consumption only, this is permitted once every 2 days, the meat can come from any source.

SCP-XXXX is a 8 foot tall (2.43 metres) sentient being. In its "pure" form it is fully transparent with anyone and anything being able to pass through it and made of ectoplasm. SCP-XXXX can not make any verbal, visual or physical communication whilst invisible to those who do not know of a persons death. In it's visible form, SCP-XXXX is able to make physical and verbal contact to those who have grieved a person death. The appearance of SCP-XXXX in its "visible" form appears to be the last loved one that the subject has mourned. The only time to be able to see SCP-XXXX is one week after the death of a loved one that the test subject has mourned. SCP-XXXX will also contain vivid memories and knowledge of the souls past life. SCP-XXXX can remember all of the knowledge and memories from each soul it has absorbed since the start of its existence which has yet to be determined, as well as the ability to learn on its own.

Testing with thermal cameras with its "pure" and "visible" form have resulted in seeing the same instance of a 8 foot being. This creates a question as to the visible form being a mask of it wears or a puppet to communicate to the outside world as the spirit trapped is stuck within "Stage four, The True End is the absolute last thing the person experiences before leaving this world." (See LOG-XXXX-A, further testing is required). It's anatomy is also a mystery as it refuses to give that information to researchers assigned to SCP-XXXX despite typically being co-operative.

All experiments with SCP-XXXX must be conducted with D-class personnel with the clearance of the level 3 personnel that are supervising SCP-XXXX. It has been found that SCP-XXXX is one entity with only the appearance of each dead family or friend (depending on the person). Multiple interviews with the entity have found that both D class personnel have heard the same answer from SCP-XXXX. Whilst being interviewed SCP-XXXX is very co-operative and will answer each question with precise answers. Despite being co-operative, on ██/██/██18 D-57190 asked a question about its origin to the specimen, the specimen replied by [DATA EXPUNGED] the interviewer fell on the floor unconscious and no vital signs were detected after the interview (see LOG-XXXX-A). It is assumed that SCP-XXXX consumed the soul of the subject who had asked the question. An autopsy showed no damage to the body, but the subject was killed.

Personnel that had not been told about a death of a friend or loved one were told to watch SCP-XXXX although they did not see anything. The results had shown that the meat floated and disappeared within the entity. The foundation has yet to figure out how the meat disappeared or where it had gone after consumption. Likewise it is yet unknown whether the being is a physical entity that appears to be transparent as the meat had disappeared upon consumption instead of floating.

When asked about how it consumes the souls it responded by stating different stages and a detailed explanation of each stage (see LOG-XXXX-A). The stages of consumption include:
1. The Consumption Stage
2. Materialisation/Manifestation Stage
3. Purgatorial Stage
4. The True End

First stage (Consumption):

The soul is absorbed into SCP-XXXX to feed it to ensure the entity's survival. This takes place over one week time period. It is capable of consuming more than one soul at a time.

Second stage (Materialisation/Manifestation):
The soul has fully been consumed and SCP-XXXX is able to trick its live prey into trusting it. Excuses like "that wasn't me" or "I wanted to get away from things for a while" are common excuses for this entity. When the subject is questioned as to its presence after death, the mourner will suddenly drop dead or [DATA EXPUNGED] is experienced (See LOG-XXXX-A). Autopsies indicate that no bodily damage was caused.

Third stage (Purgatorial Stage):
This stage occurs constantly in both earlier stages as a means to contain the souls within itself. When this stage occurs part of the soul relives its past life. It is currently assumed this is how the question of "do ghosts exist?" originated from.

Fourth stage (The True End):
SCP-XXXX has reviewed each life after the Third stage and the soul is no longer useful to it. SCP-XXXX described this stage as the souls true end of life and the soul will disappear making him invisible to the subject once more. it is yet unknown if the soul vanishes or gets sent to another plain such as heaven or hell.

D-class personnel used for interviews are granted access to this file before testing as to not question why their loved one has suddenly appeared.

Access is restricted to the approval of at least level 4 personal, as SCP-XXXX is quite charismatic and deceptive in nature and its true intentions are not yet known beyond its desire to feed.

Cross testing with SCP-XXXX with other ectoplasmic SCPs are being considered. Re-classification from Euclid to Euclid-Thaumiel is being debated by O5-Command and awaiting final decision.