Seafaring Mausoleum

This is my (Raccoonuman's) draft page! Welcome!

(SCP) The Girl Who Waits [draft for review]

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a small human containment cell at Site-37. The door to her cell is to be kept locked at all times, and only authorized personnel are to be allowed inside. No human or cell maintenance is required except during testing.

Research into the anomalous properties of SCP-XXXX is ongoing, and due to the events found in addendum SCP-XXXX-1, Russian folklore surrounding the Ural Mountains has been deemed a reasonable avenue for study, in particular Ural-Batyr.1

Description: SCP-XXXX is a young human female of Russian descent, approximately eighteen to twenty-four years of age. She is of average height and weight for her age, with brown hair and eyes. Her clothing suggests a fashion typical of early 1910's Russia.

SCP-XXXX's primary anomalous property is her complete immobility. No matter what position she is placed in or where she is located, she will remain completely still as though she were a statue, including remaining suspended in mid-air if she is placed there. She does not need to eat or drink, and does not age or change in any way. No pulse or breathing pattern has ever been measured in SCP-XXXX, though all other life signs, including brain activity, appear to be normal. Only other humans have been able to change the pose of SCP-XXXX,2 and the only time she has been observed to move on her own, with two notable exceptions, is when a subject steps within one meter of her, at which point she will turn to look at them.

When looked at directly, many personnel have reported a feeling of profound sadness washing over them. This effect is not linked to any specific memory or event, and persists even when SCP-XXXX looks away. After a short amount of time, roughly 30 seconds to half an hour, all personnel have expressed a desire to leave the room, and were wary of returning for a few moments. These effects and behavior strongly suggest SCP-XXXX still being conscious, or at least capable of asserting emotion.

SCP-XXXX was initially discovered in 2007 by a Foundation asset who was investigating the rumors of a "ghost" in the Ural Mountains.3 While investigating, the asset discovered a small village that had apparently been abandoned for some time. When the asset entered a small, single-room cottage where SCP-XXXX was found, he later described the position he found her in as being "in mid-air with one arm behind her towards the floor and one arm raised to shield her head, as though she had fallen backwards while trying to protect herself." The asset was unable to leave the room for several minutes due to inclement winter weather, during which time he observed SCP-XXXX's complete immobility.

After discovering the settlement, the asset reported his findings to the Foundation, and SCP-XXXX was promptly recovered and brought to the nearby Site-██ for initial studies, before being transferred to Site-37 in 2010 for long term containment.

Since her recovery, SCP-XXXX has been the subject of numerous studies, all of which have been unable to determine the cause of her anomalous properties. However, it is believed that SCP-XXXX may be somehow linked to the disappearance of the entire population of her village, as she was the only person discovered there.

Though no locals seem to remember the existence of a village in the area, several buildings remain near the location where SCP-XXXX was found, including 4 cottages, 2 larger houses, a jailhouse, a small church, and a butcher shop. A heavily rusted sign above the church seems to suggest the name of the location, or at least the name of the church, to be "Uralsky".4 No other evidence of life has been found there, nor any evidence as to why the place was abandoned. None of the buildings have been dated to before the late 1900's, with the final house being constructed roughly around 1914. Investigations into the history of the village have been ongoing.

End of the article. Other WIP below

(SCP) We Are As Animals [WIP]

Item #: SCP-TBA

Object Class:[REDACTED] Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the ongoing recategorization of containment procedures by virtue of the group's evolving relationship with the foundation, the following paragraph(s) will be the most up-to-date procedures concerning instances of SCP-TBA. All previous procedures can be accessed only by personnel with level 5 security clearance or higher as addendums "TBA-1" through "TBA-x" in ascending chronological order. Any personnel without proper security clearance that are found with knowledge of procedures before TBA-3 will be designated instances SCP-TBA-2 and relocated to a nearby secure facility for 24 hour surveillance by order of O5-█.

Instances of SCP-TBA-2 are to be relocated to any nearby location where they can be monitored and are not in any immediate danger, such as a basic holding cell, and are to be logged and reported to a local site administrator for retrieval by MTF Chi-16 (Humane Society). Reasonable excuses may be given to instances of SCP-TBA-2 as to why they have been relocated, but under no conditions are they allowed to know that the relocation has anything to do with SCP-TBA. In the circumstance that any instances of SCP-TBA-2 believe they are in danger or are given access to information linking them to the Foundation's knowledge of SCP-TBA, a treaty is to be formed between them and members of the Foundation. Distance must be kept from all instances until such a time as MTF Chi-16 can detain the corresponding SCP-TBA-1.

Instances of SCP-TBA-1 are to be kept in a 3m x 3m x 3m steel cell, in the exact center of which is suspended a 1m x 1m x 1m steel box containing a physical anchor point for the instance, outfitted with a Moore Collar that is specially designed to prevent it from moving in more than three spacial dimensions. The inside of an occupied cell is considered highly dangerous as, while the creature is unable to leave, its extradimensional body does extend outside of the box in the center. Access can only be granted to approved personnel of level 3 or above. Instances may be fed meals up to twice a day via receptacle.

Description: SCP-TBA is a distinct relationship, often an "ownership" of instances of the [REDACTED] species of extradimensional6 being, designated SCP-TBA-1, over members of the local human species, designated SCP-TBA-2. These relationships typically manifest in the caretaking of specific instances of SCP-TBA-2, often to the benefit of said instances7. Observed methods of caretaking include the consistent providing of food/nutrition, maintenance and sanitation of the SCP-TBA-2's living space, and the occasional direct protection from a perceived threat, including disease or larger threats to life or limb.

SCP-TBA-1, though impossible to completely see or visualize due to their extradimensional nature8, are able to appear in three dimensions as quadrupedal beings with large centers of mass and no clear sensory organs or means of object manipulation. It is more common, however, for these beings to affect the surroundings of an area while unseen. This is because the physical manifestations of these beings are merely for the ability of the corresponding instance(s) of SCP-TBA-2 to interact with more directly, rather than any full form of the SCP-TBA-1. Similarly, the primary method of object manipulation, while seemingly telekinetic, is thought to simply be done by some appendage of the SCP-TBA-1 that exists outside the visible three-dimensional plane.

Instances of SCP-TBA-2 typically do not originate from SCP-TBA, rather they are selected either from the general population or from [REDACTED], previously a Foundation [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown as of yet how an SCP-TBA-2 is selected by its corresponding SCP-TBA-1. Recorded instances of SCP-TBA-2 have ages ranging from a few months old to well into adulthood9, and have no clear patterns in gender or racial origin. After being selected by SCP-TBA-1, SCP-TBA-2 will often claim an improved quality of life, a sense of security, and even a form of emotional bond with their corresponding SCP-TBA-1.

Though useful for the well being of the SCP-TBA-2, the guardian nature of many of the SCP-TBA-1 poses a serious threat to the security of the Foundation should a member of personnel be selected. In particular, the selection of Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ resulted in the containment breach of multiple objects and the deaths of an estimated 121 personnel after their corresponding SCP-TBA-1 deemed their experiments on SCP-████ to be a threat and subsequently propelled the highly acidic byproduct of SCP-████'s mating ritual into nearby containment rooms, causing approx. $2,000,000 in damages to Foundation facilities. Both Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ survived this incident and were later designated SCP-TBA-2-██ and SCP-TBA-2-██.


(tale) Caramelized Corpses [WIP]

There you found me, duodenum deep in the caramelized corpses of assorted animals.
It was not a pretty picture.

(tale) Everywhere™ [WIP]

It was a dark and stormy night, just like every other night.|The rain came calmly down, glancing off the rooftops like it already knew where to go.|Just as Dr. Klein stepped onto the street preparing to get wet, the rain stopped simply to taunt him.|The middle-aged mathematician had almost never seen a sky so clear; it might have given him pause if he had noticed.


Stopping at the brightly lit storefront was certainly not Dr. Klein's idea; of course, it never was his idea, the foundation he worked for was to blame for always sending him to the most dubious of places. The glaring white of the whole of the small main room was almost painful, though it was a vague reminder of that one experience when he got his phone repaired. And of course there was that smiling man at the counter, preparing to greet him whenever he was ready. Right, the man at the counter; Dr. Klein had almost forgotten his mission in the time it took his eyes to adjust. He immediately approached the counter.

"Greetings Mr, or…" The smiling host looked Klein over "…should I say, Doctor Klein! Welcome to our humble establishment!"

"Well, I see you can read name tags. I'll cut to the chase here, though."





