
SCP-XXXX's mugshot taken by one of it's researchers.


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be locked in a 6m x 18m x 4.58m containment chamber that resembles an Arctic tundra biome, with a large glass frame fitted for viewing SCP-XXXX, the chamber is fitted with places for SCP-XXXX to hide for resting and eating and the temperature is not to exceed -58°F under no circumstance, if temperature control devices are tampered with or malfunction, Foundation staff are to be evacuated and are to be kept 6-7 metres away from SCP-XXXX's containment chamber for 30 minutes until its anomalous effects have passed. SCP-XXXX needs to be fed at least twice a day on a diet of 10kg of meat.

Description: SCP-XXXX resembles a white Alaskan Arctic Fox with wings resembling those of an angel's, possesses four extra tails and SCP-XXXX's gender is confirmed to be female, SCP-XXXX's irises change colour depending on its mood (An example of this is when its eyes are blue to signify sadness or exhaustion), its original eye colour is yet to be discovered.

SCP-XXXX has the tendency to fly around its containment chamber, testings has shown that it can fly up to the height of an average apartment complex (10 ft). SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects begin when it is agitated, frightened, too hot or too cold in its environment, SCP-XXXX's irises change to red within 4 seconds of agitation or discomfort and will proceed to freeze over anything within a 5m radius, many equipment will cease to function within this radius and will return to normal when the ice has melted, any organic matter will permanently freeze over and die instantly if it comes into contact with SCP-XXXX's ice sheet. The ice sheet's freezing speed is approximately 5kmh, similar to the average walking speed. Any warm clothing trying to counteract this ice sheet will be rendered useless to its effects.

SCP-XXXX is usually very docile and introverted, however it does take curiosity in staring at the researchers studying it, in rare cases it will proceed to sniff at any equipment it comes across, usually cameras that are placed in the trees. Any attempt to come into physical contact with SCP-XXXX has met with failure and loss of two D-Class subjects and three Foundation researchers that have failed to get away on time. (See Addendum XXXX.2)

A list of SCP-XXXX's iris changes and their meaning:

  • Red- Agitated or Discomforted (DO NOT IGNORE THIS, RUN!)
  • Blue- Sad or Tired (If SCP-XXXX shows signs of sadness, turn off all equipment and leave it alone. Reports of SCP-XXXX becoming hostile have come from its irises turning blue while being monitored.)
  • Yellow- Curious or Distracted (This is perfectly normal for its behaviour patterns.)
  • Green- Hungry
  • Purple- (Not researched)
  • Orange- [REDACTED] (No instances will be born from SCP-XXXX, it is too dangerous as of now to reproduce, as much as the thought of SCP-XXXX-2 pups may be heart-warming, we need to understand it first before releasing it and advising people on what to do in counteracting its currently unstoppable ice effects)
  • Light Blue- (Not researched)
  • Pink- Calm (This is a good sign, something must be making this iris change occur…)