
Item#: Pending database spot.

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 10-square foot glass hollow cube with a locked door. The anomaly is to be provided (1) turkey sandwich on a daily basis. Every 3 days the cube should be cleaned. SCP This anomaly should be under watch by at least two Foundation personnel and kept in Site-45.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 6-foot tall male Caucasian human. One of anomalous properties of him is that whenever he says something, something related will occur. Other anomalous properties are needing to eat considerably less than the average human and the fact that the anomaly doesn't need water. SCP-XXXX is very cooperative with Foundation personnel and anyone around him.

SCP-XXXX was discovered in Missouri after a truck crashed into a water fountain seconds after SCP-XXXX said "How much gallons of water do you think a truck can hold?". The truck dematerialized 40 seconds after the crash. The Foundation retrieved SCP-XXXX six days after the incident.

Since SCP-XXXX is so cooperative and doesn't really post a threat, reclassification to Safe has been considered. Following the events of Incident SCP-XXXX-A, An upgrade to Keter class is up for debate.

-Incident SCP-XXXX-A-

D-78932 was conversing with the anomaly during a test when SCP-XXXX said "I wish I had a plane ticket, I need a vacation." Four minutes later, a passenger plane came diving towards Site-45 at an estimated 200mph, but dematerialized 20 feet away from the site.