

Item #: SCP - XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is contained on an island that is off the coast of Norway. Access to the island is to be strictly limited to needed transports, personnel exchange, and any request made by the Site administrator. Assigned personnel must read [Redacted] and accept the responsibility that comes with working on SCP-XXXX. See addendum to read ████████.

Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, Site-XXXX is to be located at a minimum of 500 meters off the coast of the island, on board the SCPS Night. Due to its nature, SCP - XXXX is to be left undisturbed.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a large quadrupedal reptile. From head to tail, it measures 60 m, stands 2.5 m tall and possesses a 40 m wingspan. It is covered in black armor like plating that retains a razor-like edge. While the razor edge itself does not possess that much threat, SCP-XXXX uses these as weaponry able to harm anything that is able to come within close proximity. The only area that does not possess this cutting ability is the flaps of its wings.

While it has been observed that its diet consists mainly of fish caught from the surrounding waters, it will hunt down and kill people who are on its island. Note, SCP-XXXX only consumes the head of human prey, leaving the rest to decompose. While not hunting, it has been observed to wander the island and will return to a cave at the center of the island once a week. When in the cave, SCP-XXXX will [Redacted].

It has been observed that SCP-XXXX has two distinct hunting styles. If it is hunting for its normal prey, it will fly approximately 1-2 meters above the ocean, this can be described as a form of sonar. Once it has located a prey target, it will perform a dive into the ocean and pursue its prey. When hunting in the island, however, SCP-XXXX utilizes a memetic ability to cause fear in its prey. SCP-XXXX will then start to play with its target, eventually making them either leave or be killed via biting off the head of there prey.

SCP-XXXX possesses a memetic ability that is triggered when it starts to pursue a target. Anything that starts to exhibit these symptoms is to be considered SCP-XXXX-1 The effects are as follows

Effects at 0-1 minutes of exposure
- Subjects have reported that they feel like they are being watched

After 10-15 minutes, stage two
- Subject starts to see things in the shadows
- The feeling of being watched
- A desire to turn back (can be resisted)
- If in a group, will try to convince others to turn back as well

Stage 3 ~ 30 - 37 minutes
- A strong desire to leave the island
- Loss of trust of others
- Long-term mental damage is inflicted

Stage 4 ~ 45 minutes
- A sense of safety in isolation
- SCP-XXXX will pursue until either -1 is terminated, or -1 leaves the island

Addendum XXXX1: