Reinigen X

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a locked storage room at Site-██. Clearance Level 3 and higher is needed in order to access SCP-XXXX.

Description: Item SCP-XXXX was located in a Waste Management center in ██████, Texas on 10/4/19██. Foundation personnel recovered SCP-XXXX and transported it to Site-██, where it's been ever since.

Item SCP-XXXX appears to be a blue Waste Management recycling bin with no apparent outstanding details. If an object is dropped into SCP-XXXX the item vanishes completely. It is unknown where the item goes. Any and all attempts to recover missing objects sent into SCP-XXXX have resulted in failure.

Experiment XXXX-1: One (1) D-Class was instructed to drop a leatherbound book into SCP-XXXX. After doing this, the book vanished and was unable to be recovered. The same D-Class was instructed to throw a basketball into SCP-XXXX. Upon doing so, said basketball vanished.

Experiment XXXX-2: D-9444 was strapped to a harness equipped with a camera and instructed hop into SCP-XXXX while D-10351 was instructed to hold on to the harness. D-9444 jumped into SCP-XXXX and "fell through the floor while screaming" as personnel reported. The screaming faded as if the D-9444 jumped down a hole. Connection to the D-9444's harness camera was lost immediately.

Addendum XXXX-A: Four (4) days after D-9444 descended down SCP-XXXX, a bottle jumped out of SCP-XXXX as if it was fired. Upon further inspection, the bottle appeared to be constructed out of a mesh of human flesh, leather, and rubber.