Rotten Peaches



The entity is to be watched at all times. No personnel should enter alone in regards to their safety and personal belongings. In a recent [DATA EXPUNGED], it was found that it was best to enter the specimen’s cell two at a time, no more, no less. SCP-XXXX exerts a calm demeanor, however it does become erratic from time to time, this should be met with elevated force. The organism should be sedated with a child’s dosage of anesthesia. However, its childish behavior gives an added challenge, as it is very mobile. After succumbing to the dosage, it should become more pliant, and easy to handle.

The object should be provided with whichever form of entertainment is scheduled for that day. Whether it be paints, children’s toys, or [REDACTED], personnel must follow a strict limit of time. Depositing such leisure items should take no longer than five minutes. Do not let it grow impatient, and take note of where its stance was in the room, pay attention to the footprints on the wall.

Do NOT engage with the specimen as of the [REDACTED] breach, only interact on its scheduled feeding hours. No personnel should be in its cell after the scheduled hours, or direct action will be used.

The specimen is roughly 1 meter tall, and displays a childlike innocence. Outside of its disappearances, the subject reappears as a adolescent human. The entity is cooperative, though it becomes a hassle during long periods of examination or interviewing. The organism does not speak often as it did in previous years after the [REDACTED] of Dr. Florentine, and regularly avoids human interaction by becoming invisible during testing and communication.

The object tends to avoid conversation, though any mentions of Dr. Florentine cause a sudden negative reaction in the specimen. It was found that the entity becomes rabid at any mention of Dr. Florentine, and must be shut down immediately. The organism shows signs of depression, it denies most of its scheduled meals and leisure items.

Over time the specimen has closed up, it has not been responding to any personnel or shown signs of curiosity as it did when it was younger. The organism has removed all of its clothing, and it appears to not want any fabrics on its skin. Identifying it in the cell has become more challenging, as he is now fully invisible. The young entity has become hostile over time, a majority of its time within the cell is spent crawling up the walls and stomping. Since then, the black tracks the object leaves have covered the walls and flooring. In a recent interview, the adolescent specimen has only responded with one reason for his hostility, “Dr. Florentine has not visited me.”

It is a troubling response, the particular foundation doctor he is referring to has been [REDACTED] for [DATA EXPUNGED] years before the specimen arrived. It is believed that the object is of spiritual relation, with reasons being that the adolescent has named many researchers within our facilities that have been ██████ by other specimen or [DATA EXPUNGED] by the Foundation itself. The object has caused a decrease in personnel, and has been requiring more security since then. The foundation has decided to keep SCP-XXXX a Euclid class despite its danger. As long as it is contained, the specimen will cause no harm to the trained personnel.

The specimen was found in the early 1980’s in the city of Beijing, China. A family reported their young son Wuxing missing, though added that they could still hear their son’s footsteps. Police eventually found the boy, though there was an anomaly present. SCP-XXXX was encountered beside the young boy, mimicking his appearance. The SCP Foundation had intervened shortly enough, and the specimen willingly came into custody.

Interview with SCP-XXXX and Dr. Greene

Dr. Greene: (clearing throat) My name is Dr. Ernest Greene, I want to ask you a couple-
SCP-XXXX: (agitated) Am I in trouble?
Dr. Greene: No, you are not. However it is in my best intentions that I know more about you, now…(takes a small, audible breath) May we continue?
SCP-XXXX: (nervously) Yes.
Dr. Greene: Alright, how old are you?
SCP-XXXX: (pauses) I don't know.
Dr. Greene: (confused, but writes in his clipboard anyway) Okay… Are you aware that I cannot see you?
SCP-XXXX: (noticeably confused) I can see you just fine.
Dr. Greene: (writes in his clipboard, murmuring to himself before resuming a normal tone) Why were you with a child? Were you preying on them?
SCP-XXXX: I just wanted to have fun, you see. The child mind is so… vivid and… Peculiar. I want to dive deep into their thoughts, their bodies… I want to blend in with them, BECOME one of them. I know you are keeping me in here, I know I am never going to see the light of day with you thugs… (seemingly bitter)
Dr. Greene: We want to… Make sure you are █████████… (somewhat hesitant)
SCP-XXXX Children are better liars than you.
Dr. Greene: (irritated, muffled) We're done here.
SCP-XXXX: Good bye.