
item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be stored in a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m room made of smooth, reinforced concrete. In the event of extreme wear or damage to the walls or floor of the room repairs should be made at earliest convenience.

SCP is to be left on a 1 m high table placed in the center of the room with a surface area of at least one square meter. This table is to be replaced with an identical table as needed due to wear. A rubber mat, four centimeters in thickness, should be placed under this table and extend for .5 meters beyond the edges of the tabletop. Should an instance of SCP-xxxx fall from this table it is to be replaced as soon as possible. This can prove troublesome in some situations as multiple instances may fall from the table at once and begin roaming the room erratically. Any foundation personnel entering the room are advised to wear steel-toed safety shoes.

Once per week SCP-xxxx is to be 'fed' no less than 5(five) kilograms of rocks of varying size and shape. These rocks may be poured into a pile on the center of the table within the cell. Too many stones of one size or shape will be ignored. The 'feeding' process takes roughly 3(three) hours, after which an available D-class personnel assigned to the task is to sweep up the dust and stone fragments resulting from SCP-xxxx's feeding process. This waste may be disposed of in whatever way deemed simplest and most convenient, as testing has shown these remnants to exhibit no anomalous properties of behavior.

bold text SCP-xxxx is a collection of 6(six) 7(seven) small, round stones ranging in size from 17 centimeters in diameter at largest, and 9 centimeters across at smallest. These stones are designated as SCP-xxxx-a through SCP-xxxx-g. Specific descriptions of all entities of SCP-xxxx will be located at the end of this entry.

Entities of SCP-xxxx are capable of locomotion through unknown means, achieving speeds up to 6(six) kilometers per hour. Attempts to understand the method through which SCP-xxxx move themselves have as of yet been fruitless. When restrained, entities of SCP-xxxx are capable of generating significant torque to free themselves, going so far as to rip themselves free of the grasp of foundation personnel. Harm may result from these attempts to free themselves, but entities have shown no aggression or intent to injure foundation personnel.

Entities SCP-xxxx-a through f were discovered when park rangers of Rocky Mountain National Park were notified by a pair of hikers what was described as, 'A bunch of rocks all rolling along flat, solid ground in a straight line, without slowing down even over the course of hundreds of meters.' A recovery team was dispatched and all witnesses were administered Class-B amnestics. After two days of combing the area SCP-xxxx was located and secured by foundation personnel. No entities made any attempts to flee from foundation personnel, three of the stones even having been reported to have approached personnel in a, 'curious, cautious manner. Like a stray dog nervously sniffing your hand.' All entities were moved to Site 47