SCP-144 "Serenity Prism"
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Item #: SCP-144

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-144 is to be contained within a specially designed soundproof chamber made of reinforced steel. The chamber is to be equipped with multiple layers of insulation to mitigate noise and vibrations. An airlock system is in place for personnel entry and exit. A team of two security personnel is to be stationed outside the chamber at all times to monitor activity and assist in emergency situations. No loud noises or disturbances should occur in proximity to the containment area.

Description: SCP-144 is an anomalous entity resembling a large crystalline structure measuring approximately 2.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width. The structure is translucent and exhibits a play of shifting colors, ranging from iridescent blues to vibrant purples. The surface of SCP-144 is smooth to the touch and maintains a constant temperature of 20°C.

SCP-144 is not inherently hostile but possesses a unique property that affects sound within its vicinity. Any sound, regardless of its origin or volume, is completely absorbed and nullified upon contact with SCP-144's surface. The absorbed sound energy contributes to the vivid color shifts observed on its surface.

Personnel interacting with SCP-144 report experiencing a soothing and tranquil sensation, often described as a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Prolonged exposure to SCP-144 has shown to reduce stress levels and anxiety in individuals.

One notable effect is the "Sound Echo," observed when a sound is produced inside SCP-144's containment chamber. The sound appears to propagate within the structure itself, creating an echo-like effect that can be heard for several minutes. However, no sound is emitted from the structure, only perceived within the chamber.

Research is ongoing to understand the properties and potential applications of SCP-144, including its potential in sound absorption technology and therapeutic uses for stress reduction. Personnel are encouraged to engage with SCP-144 for limited durations to benefit from its calming effects.

Addendum 144-A:
Additional Experiments and Potential Applications

Following Experiment-144-A conducted on ██/██/20██, it was observed that SCP-144 has the capability to absorb not only audible sound but also ultrasonic frequencies. The absorbed ultrasonic frequencies generated a more vibrant and dynamic display of colors on SCP-144's surface, suggesting a broader range of sound absorption than initially anticipated. Research is ongoing to determine the full spectrum of sound frequencies SCP-144 can absorb and whether it can be harnessed for specialized sound absorption technologies.

Addendum 144-B:
Psychoacoustic Properties and Therapeutic Potential

Studies involving D-Class personnel have shown that exposure to SCP-144 for extended periods induces a sense of emotional well-being and calmness. Individuals reported reduced levels of stress and anxiety, indicating the therapeutic potential of SCP-144 for stress-relief and relaxation purposes. Research into utilizing SCP-144 in therapeutic environments is being explored, with potential applications in treating anxiety-related disorders and aiding in meditation practices.

Addendum 144-C:
Incident Report - ██/██/20██

On ██/██/20██, during routine maintenance of SCP-144's containment chamber, a breach in the soundproof insulation was discovered, leading to a minor containment breach. The breach resulted in the accidental exposure of Site personnel to an abrupt loud noise within close proximity to SCP-144. The unexpected noise caused temporary disorientation and mild distress among the exposed personnel. Containment procedures were promptly reestablished, and affected personnel were medically evaluated and debriefed.

Lessons learned from this incident emphasize the critical importance of maintaining the structural integrity of the containment chamber and reinforcing insulation to prevent unintended exposure to loud noises that could disturb SCP-144's tranquil environment.