

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-19619 is held inside of insane asylum 442 at site: [DATA REDACTED]. As his room full of multiple heads of broken dolls which he cuts off the body each day.

Description: A Serial Killer held in a insane asylum this SCP seems to only be visible to scientists with certain gear and Children with the naked eye. This blood thirsty SCP hunts for children only unless threatened by an Adult in which he will be visible to adults only when attacking

Interview: SCP 19619

[DATA REDACTED]: [Interviewer]

Foreword: [Interveiw 1]

<Begin Log>

[DATA REDACTED]: [Hello SCP-19619…]

SCP-19619: [Hello [DATA REDACTED] Why am I here I'm just thirsty]

<End Log, [optional time info]>

Closing Statement: [The D- Class Interviewing dies then SCP-19619 gets shocked then knocked out]