
Item #: SCP-3066

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3066 Can walk freely around the facility from 6am to 8pm then has to return to SCP-3066's habitat which is 10 meters large and 5 meters tall.This must be set at a temperature of around 23 degrees Celsius or it will let out a loud crying noise and even though the cry is not fatal in anyway it is very annoying.The habitat must be the same as SCP-3066's original habitat which is in jungles and caves.

Description:this slimy creature is not harmful at all and some Scientists use SCP-3066 to help with their experiments.They are highly intelligent but they don't speak English they speak in small hums and gurgles they have 2 eyes and no ears but they can still hear with the organs inside SCP-3066's body. SCP-3066's live span is up to 78 years and every 8 years it clones itself so the highest amount of it can be 10 clones but the clones cant clone them can change colors according to how its feeling if its red its angry,if its blue its sad,if its yellow its happy.The origin of this creature is unknown but scientists think that one was just made and they kept cloning them self so they think they found the first one ever