
Item #: SCP-3172
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3172 should be kept in a tempered glass vase, this should be placed on top of a white quartz pedestal, which will be inside a 5m x 5m x 5m glass cube that will be erected in the center of a white padded room with 15m x 15m x 15m.

The glass vase must be filled with water and formaldehyde and must not be opened under any circumstances. Lights should be positioned toward the raised glass cube. Everything in the room should be completely symmetrical.

When D-Class personnel have to enter the room for occasional cleaning or for any other procedures required and authorized by [REDACTED], the cube should be covered with a black and completely opaque cloth, and any procedure may be no longer than 10 minutes.

Description: SCP-3172 is a human brain that weighs 4kg and has a swollen frontal cortex, which causes the additional 3.5kg in its weight. SCP-3172 uses a 2m structure in its bottom part as a flagellum; this flagellum usually gets compressed inside the vase and serves for its locomotion.

SCP-3172 cannot communicate, but electroencephalogram images recorded that the entire brain is inactive, not including the entire frontal cortex and the motor cortex. When SCP-3172 is exposed to any situation that causes any basic human feeling and derives from it, a humanoid being ( identified as SCP-3172-1) appears just below SCP-3172's container. SCP-3172-1 seems to behave like the feeling that gave rise to it in its essence.

All SCP-3172-1 are devoid of color and hairs, they have no eyes, the eyes of those who have them are rolled up through the entire apparition.

SCP-3172-1, depending on which feeling it was originated, has red transparent crystals jammed symmetrically into parts of your body. When SCP-3172 lists its accustomed state again, SCP-3172-1 endures a painful death, which includes being disintegrated or imploded. The death takes from 20 to 45 minutes, SCP-3172-1 screams through the whole process and agonizes until it disappears completely and leaves no traces of its appearance.

Addendum 1: SCP-3172 must be completely illuminated, or it will start invoking several SCP-3172-1 at a time until the room can no longer stand them. SCP-3172 will enter this state after 10 minutes in darkness.

Addendum 2: SCP-3172 is classified as extremely narcissistic because even though it cannot communicate, it has to be in a form that is called a "center-of-attention", because of it, it must be on a white quartz pedestal, and this is the reason why it maintains itself in its accustomed state by being illuminated by lights all the time.