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Picture of SCP-3283

Item #: SCP-3283

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3283 is to be kept in a bullet proof glass box on top of the stand inside a room with reinforced concrete walls, two armed guards are to be stationed outside the chamber at all times and no one with under level 4 access is allowed in the room unless sending any D-Class personnel into SCP-3283-1.

Description: SCP-3283 Looks like a regular X-Five Branded Airsoft Pistol made in Germany, but on closer inspection it can be seen that the clip has been melted inside the gun itself, attempts to remove the clip have been unsuccessful so far and the current clip running out has not occurred as of writing this report. When fired, the pellet will emit a bright glow and if it hits a small object the pellet will disappear, however if it hits a large object or a wall the pellet will burn a hole just big enough for the average man to step through it, this hole closes after 24 hours. Once the hole has been burned through, the other side is what is theorized to be an alternate reality where humans never existed (this has been named SCP-3283-1), a research site had been set up inside SCP-3283-1 but was abandoned due to lack of results, dangerous but extinct animals in our dimension may still be alive in SCP-3283-1 so it is only visited on a monthly basis unless of emergency.

Addendum: The location SCP-3283 was found is at the house of Mr ██████ in Germany by a fluctuation in the earths magnetic field being detected by a satellite, the Airsoft gun was the only possession other than food Mr ██████ had in his house, the origins of SCP-3283 are unknown and the brand of the Airsoft gun is a real brand but there is no visible serial number on the gun.

The way you access SCP-3283-1 is by pressing the button on the bottom of the bullet proof case which will fire SCP-3283 towards a wall, this is so unauthorised personnel can't take SCP-3283 out of the containment room. Removal of SCP-3283 from the glass case is prohibited.

NOTE: Data is missing and is required to be updated after each recovery

The image is borrowed from:

Original Source: MF Sporting
Creator: Unknown