
Item #: SCP-3652

Object Class: Euclid



Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3652 is to be kept inside a metal box at all times and is to be monitored at least for an hour 3 times a week to ensure a containment breach does not occur. If SCP-3652 exhibits any unusual behaviour, security personnel are to be informed of what is going on with SCP-3652. SCP-3652's containment box is also to be kept inside a small chamber on a metal or brick pedestal with large windows on the left and right side of the chamber's walls for observation.

Description: SCP-3652 is a small, purple wad of putty that, unless stored in a metal box and monitored, will grow until it gets to a point in which it cannot grow anymore and creates crystallised substances that when touched, transmit an unknown pathogen through the skin. SCP-3652 can be made smaller by either setting a part of it on fire or cutting it. SCP-3652 can change colour, depending on how much it has grown. If it has grown to 35 centimetres, SCP-3652 will turn yellow and grow very small crystals, though these do not carry the pathogen. At its largest, SCP-3652 will turn back to its original purple colour.