
Item #:SCP-3676

Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-3676 must be kept in a 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cubic meters, SCP-3676 is supplied with 3-litres of water everyday by the foundation, and is supplied food with a rating of a 2-star restaurant. SCP-3676 emits a radiation like poisoning in it's chamber. SCP-3676's chamber is made out of lead bars separating apart with half a meter, (50 cm) the rest of the chamber is made out of solid concrete. Any change of containment must be from Agent ████ himself. SCP-3676's chamber is to be watched with four 24 hour surveillance camera at all times with security personnel surveilling the cameras. All angles of the cameras are watching the 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cubic meter room (one in each corner). Any change of perspective with the cameras are to be checked with security personnel and wearing the same type of hazmat suites used in SCP-008's containment chamber.

Description:SCP-3676 is a human like figure that emits a radiation like poisoning aura. Test has not shown on how strong the radiation is. SCP-3676 is known to like the food that is given to him, any change of disliking of his food may lead to the testing of new food. SCP-3676 is in a neutral state in his room, as again any change of behavior will lead to a report to Agent ████ himself. As of right now SCP-3676 is not known on how he emit his radiation poisoning, any tests of SCP-3676 is to be recorded of this strange SCP. SCP-3676 is known to wear a monk like dress with no hair, skin colour varies when he is in trance or while eating his supplements. (Purple or white while in trance and pale when not in trance.) SCP-3676 is known to float while in trance, and while it is not in trance, he is appear to be walking in a normal pace. SCP does not affect any signs of radiation whilst emitting it.

Audio log from Interview Log 3676-2-A8-1:

Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Interviewed: Agent ████

<Begin Audio Log>
[████████ Time, Interview #: ██ Location: Site:██ ]

Dr. ██████: Good morning, Mr.████.

Agent ████: Please, call me ████.

Dr. ██████: Alright, ████ do you know why you are here?

Agent ████: Let me guess a interview for a SCP that I am incharged of, correct?

Dr. ██████: Yes. Flushing papers in background

Agent ████: Alright. Let's get through this interview.

Dr. ██████: What do you know of this SCP currently?

Agent ████: It is a highly radiated weapon that can be useful in the Serpents Hand arsenal.

Dr. ██████:Do you know about the Serpents Hand?

Agent ████: Yes, I do know the Serpents Hand.

Dr. ██████:Alright then, you may return to your normal duties. Thank you for your time.

Dr. ██████:Exhales with exhaustion

<End Audio Log>