

OBJECT CLASS: keter Thaumiel

SCP-284 document dated: 28/4/04

(Note to all personal from the anomalous properties of this SCP it changed the date, the real date is: 30/12/██)

SCP-284 is a clone of SCP-682 cloning was authorized by Dr.zack (Desceased)
the cloning had added some.. more anomalous properties to the SCP All personal that were involved in the cloning, process or otherwise have died or gone missing, SCP-284-1 is also existant

Anomalous properties:SCP-284 can regenerate, change documents, add tex or remove text on a sheet O' paper (also can do this on a computer) can go invisible.

Note:this SCP has told personal that it will die IF nuked, unlike its brother 682

Note from O5 we like to call them brothers here, cause they kinda are.

This document is to be continued