scp 3921
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Item #: SCP-3921 The Chrono Nexus

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Containment Procedures: SCP-3921 is to be kept in a specially designed chamber equipped with temporal dampeners to prevent accidental time travel. Access to SCP-3921 is restricted to Level 4 personnel and requires approval from the Site Director. All testing must be conducted under controlled conditions, with careful consideration given to potential timeline alterations.

Description: Description: SCP-3921 is a mysterious portal located in an abandoned research facility, appearing as an ordinary doorway with no discernible anomalous properties when observed directly. However, upon crossing the threshold, individuals find themselves transported to a different point in time. The temporal displacement is random, ranging from a few minutes to several centuries into the past or future.

SCP-3921 is not bound by the laws of causality, meaning events within the affected time period can be altered, leading to potential changes in the present upon returning through the portal. Foundation researchers have observed instances where minor alterations in the past result in significant shifts in the current timeline.

Furthermore, individuals who pass through SCP-3921 retain memories of both their original timeline and the altered timeline, creating a potential for information leaks and reality-bending consequences. Testing has revealed that repeated use of the portal can lead to temporal instability in the affected individual, resulting in cognitive dissonance and psychological stress.

Addendum: Addendum: Exploration logs and experiments with SCP-3921 have led to the discovery of anomalous historical events, as well as instances where individuals from alternate timelines have inadvertently crossed paths. The potential ramifications of SCP-3921 on the fabric of reality are still under investigation, and researchers are advised to exercise extreme caution in their interactions with the anomaly.