
Item #: SCP-4055
Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4055 is not containable at the moment.

Description: SCP-4055 is a contract for joined the Chaos Insurgency, anyone who makes visual contact with SCP-4055 will sign it, ans join the Chaos Insurgency, and becomes an instance of SCP-4055-1. SCP-4055 cannot be contained because SCP-4055-1 will break out all SCP objects, and rescue Class-D personnel.

Addendum: SCP-4055 was discovered at the Chaos Insurgency base in 1986, multiple personnel were lost, and caused multiple containment breaches. There is no way to reverse the effects of SCP-4055, besides SCP-500. Only level 4 and higher are allowed to interact eith instances of SCP-4055-1. No one is allowed to interact with SCP-4055.