Scp 5033


Object Class: Keter.

Special Containment Procedure: SCP-5033 is known to move location along the Eastern Seaboard no known Procedure has been found that can contain it at this time.

Description: SCP-5033 is a set of two eyes that appear on cave walls when either miners or spelunkers are searching the vast networks. The two eyes are different sizes one being at least 12 inches in length and 5 inches wide. The other is one 5 inches in length and 3 inches wide. However, they are always observed to be next to each other.

SCP-5033 has been sighted in twenty different caves in the years 1969-98 recent activity of the entity has tripled to sixty sightings in the last year.

Additional Notes: This SCP is not to be looked at directly in its eyes if found. Any D-Class Personnel is to observe from afar and not engage the entity. As [REDACTED] Incident has shown that it has an influence into [REDACTED].

Document 5033-1:

Transcript of Interview with a miner that encountered Entity:

Miner: Where am I?

Dr Glowacki: You are in a facility to help you. Now would you be up for some questions?

Miner: Um I guess that would be ok…

Dr Glowacki: Marvelous! Let's start with your name? That's an easy one right?

Miner: My name is… it's… I…I… can't remember… Why can't I remember?

Dr Glowacki: Hm perfectly normal side effect from the entity you encountered sir. Now next question why did you kill your fellow miners?

Miner: I didn't…

Dr Glowacki: I'm not judging you dear boy don't worry about that but there were ten bodies around you when we discovered you. I mean how else would they have died if not by your hands?

Miner: I….. I'm not talking anymore without my lawyer.

Dr Glowacki: Oh boo, not the answer I was looking for. Guards!

*Shuffling from the door outside*

Guard 1: Yes Doctor.

Dr Glowacki: It seems our patient is requesting his lawyer can you go and get them?

Guard 1: Yes Doctor.

Dr Glowacki: Sorry but it will be a few moments before your Lawyer is here.

Miner: What kind of a place is this?

Dr Glowacki: A research base let's say.

*Footsteps heard from the hall. A door opens.*

Guard 1: I found his lawyer Dr should I strap it to him?

Miner: Strap it to me???

Dr Glowacki: Please and leave the remote with me.

Guard 1: Come in here and help me restrain this patient!

Guard 2: Of course.

Miner: what are you doing??? What is that thing??? Why are you binding my hands????

Dr Glowacki: Thank you, gentlemen, you may leave now I believe our patient will be much more co-operative now.

Guards: Yes Sir.

*Door closes behind them*

Dr Glowacki: So now that we are alone again I'm going to ask you again. Why did you kill your fellow miners?

Miner: I'm not answering that…

Dr Glowacki: Oh poo wrong answer, dear boy.

*Clicks button on remote*

Miner: *Screams in pain for a minute straight pleading for it to stop.*

*Button is pressed again and miner stops screaming and starts breathing heavily*

Dr Glowacki: Now ready to talk?

Miner: It promised me my daughter back! Ok!!

Dr Glowacki: What promised you this?

Miner: Those eyes… I looked into them and heard a voice in my head… promising me my daughter back… as long as bathed the ground in the blood of the innocent.

Dr Glowacki: And did you believe these eyes?

*Miners head snaps up and his eyes lock with Dr Glowacki's*

Miner: Why wouldn't I believe the voice of a god…

End of session.

Addendum 5033-1: [REDACTED] Has requested that D-Class Personnel be sent into the last known cave the entity was observed. D-Class Personnel should be missing a family member or loved one.

Incident report 5033-1: D-Class Personnel encountered the creature on [REDACTED] at [REDACTED] they were left alone for five minutes with the entity. Guards returned to find that of the five that had gone down there only one was still left alive. Out of breath and bloody. [REDACTED] Is being shipped to site [REDACTED] for an interview with Dr Glowacki tomorrow to find out the cause of the attack.

Document 5033-2:

Transcript of interview with D-Class Personnel.

*Chair scraping along the ground.*

Dr Glowacki: Hello dear boy, I understand that you had an encounter with 5033 yesterday. Can you tell me about it… Mr… [REDACTED]?

D-Class: We were all walking as normal into that cramped damp cave. Then we saw these two eyes. Like two crystals peering out from the wall they stared at all of us individually. It stopped at me.

Dr Glowacki: Why would it stop at you dear boy?

D-Class: Probably because it knew I'd be the one to help it.

*D-Class starts laughing maniacally*

D-Class: Soon she will rise from the Earth to take vengeance on those that have contained her for so long.

*D-Class stands up*

D-Class: She calls to me here. She needs more blood!

*D-Class fights against restraints trying to get at Dr Glowacki*

*Guards rush into the room*

Dr Glowacki: *Raises right hand* It is ok dear boys. Mr [REDACTED] is just full of energy he'll calm himself soon.

*Guards look at each other the nod a the doctor.*

Dr Glowacki: Now did she promise you anything in return for the blood?

D-Class: Just one thing…

Dr Glowacki: What's that dear boy?

D-Class: You… dead.

Dr Glowacki: Now that is very interesting. Well thank you Mr [REDACTED] but I believe we will no longer be needing your assistance in this matter. Boys u may shoot to kill.

Guards: Sir yes sir.


End of Session.

Addendum 5033-2: [REDACTED] had stated that at this time no further tests are to be run on the entity and all caves should be monitored that reside on the Eastern Seaboard. All monitoring stations should have two personnel assigned to it. One as the observer for the day shift and one for the night. Camouflaged huts are to be built next to each cave. So that personnel have a place to observe that no one enters the cave.

Additional notes: Further investigation into the entity seems to point to some sort of large entity that is trapped in the Earth. Dr Glowacki has also theorised that this entity may have been around for thousands of years and may have been worshipped as some sort of God at one time or another before being contained in the Earth's crust.

The religion that worshipped this God may have been lost as no record of any such God exists in texts that have been found to this date.

Addendum 5033-3: A team of spelunkers searched one of the caves when the ground collapsed beneath them and they fell into it. All survived even though a sighting of 5033 was reported when the group was questioned. All members of the group were fine and claimed as soon as they saw the eyes they ran further into the cave finding an old abandoned settlement.

MTF Zeta-9 has been dispatched to investigate the settlement to see if it reveals further clues as to what this entity is and how to contain it.

Addendum 5033-4: Zeta-9 has discovered that the settlement is indeed connected to the entity. When Zeta-9 entered the cave they saw multiple drawings of the described eyes all over the wall. Deeper in Zeta-9 discovered the settlement. They found something eye-opening in there.

Old papyrus pages dating back to the bronze age was discovered and collected for translation. The team also photographed and documented many strange cave paintings. One, in particular, drew Dr Glowacki's attention.

It depicted a battle between two gods. One that was of the sky and filled the people's lives with happiness and joy. The other of the Earth cold and spiteful, it would destroy people's homes and crops and eat those unlucky enough to come into its path. The battle showed the two gods fighting over Dominion of the continent. Which resulted in the Earthen God being cast into the Earth and being sealed thereby an object that was given to man to watch over. After that the sky God departed this planet after having to kill its companion.