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Item #: SCP-5942 SCP-5942-1

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5942-1 is to be contained in a 160 meters by 160 meters by 50 meters cell. The walls of SCP-5942-1's cell are to be half a meter thick and made out of solid titanium. 40 meters into the cell is a 101 meters wide and five meters deep river, flowing of 1ºC freshwater. All the cell is to recreate the Taiga environment, which is believed to be SCP-5942-1's natural habitat. On the opposing wall of the door, in the corner, is an abandoned wooden shed, which was requested by SCP-5942-1 for the use of shelter. SCP-5942-1 is to always wear a fully working water proof shock collar and leather gloves. Pressure sensors are to line the inside of the walls, with audio and visual recording hid throughout SCP-5942-1's cell.

Once a week, the most hostile class-D will enter SCP-5942-1's cell, and will walk across a retractable bridge over the river. Once the class-D crosses the river, the bridge will be retracted and all non class-Ds will leave the cell. If the class-D refuses to cross the river, he/she will be terminated, and another class-D will enter SCP-5942-1's cell. If the class-D fall off the bridge, he/she will be terminated and another class-D will enter SCP-5942-1's cell.

If SCP-5942-1 has been on good behavior the previous week, than one hour after the class-D becomes SCP-5942-3 SCP-999 will enter the cell and play with SCP-5942-1 (to keep SCP-5942-1 from turning back into SCP-5942-2 and going into a blood frenzy) in games similar to tag. Foundation personnel are allowed to watch them play, but are ordered not to interfere with the SCP-5942-1 until after 2 hours of them playing. After SCP-5942-1 and SCP-999 have played with each other for 2 hours authorized Foundation personnel are allowed to interact and interview SCP-5942-1, although discouraged to discus or question what happened to the class-D 2 hours prior.

This containment does appear to be some form of paradise for SCP-5942-1 but it is still a cell. SCP-5942-1 despises being "caged" and will willingly become SCP-5942-2 to breach containment. Because of this it was decided by the O5 council to recreate SCP-5942-1's natural habitat while effectively containing SCP-5942-1. It is believed that SCP-5942-1's natural habitat is the Taiga biome.

Description: SCP-5942-1 is a humanoid Vulpes lagopus2 entity reaching 1.898 meters3 from ear to toe and weighing approximately 54.4311 kilograms4 with dark blue colored eyes.

Most of SCP-5942-1's biology is human male, though SCP-5942-1 retains most Vulpine features. SCP-5942-1 has white fur all over its body, along with 7 centimeters5 long triangle ears that can swivel around to help locate prey, retractable 4 centimeter6 long claws consisting of solid iron located at the toes and fingers. 20 fang-like teeth that reach lengths up to 4 centimeters7, although different lengths have been reported, and is theorized that they grow over time. The spine, which is almost identical to that of a healthy human, is almost completely made of cartilage, giving SCP-5942-1 incredible flexibility. Where the lumbar vertebrae L5 of the spine splits in 2, with the front L5 connecting to the spine, and the back L5 splitting into 9 individual spinal columns, which form the tails. Each tail reaches 1.8 meters8 in length, protruding from the skin at the beginning of the Sacrum. Each tail has been reported to lift 34 kilograms9 without resistance. SCP-5942-1 also has 5 whiskers on each side of SCP-5942-1's face, reaching 5.08 centimeters10 in length.

SCP-5942-1 has a playful and sometimes even a care free attitude. This surprised Foundation scientists because SCP-5942-1 fully remembers the actions and thoughts of SCP-5942-2. But this care free attitude isn't always the case, SCP-5942-1 will become scared and hostile when asked about SCP-5942, SCP-5942-2, and SCP-5942-3. SCP-5942-1 will become distressed and depressed when asked about its past (See SCP-5942-1 interviews). It has been advised to avoid these questions to keep SCP-5942-1 calm, since SCP-5942-1 will willingly become SCP-5942-2 if pressured to answer. This has made it difficult to learn about SCP-5942's intentions, as well as why.


Interviewed: SCP-5942-1

Interviewer: Dr. Jones

Foreword: Interview 5942-1 #1. SCP-5942-1 has just entered site-17 and will be questioned about its past and actions during capture by Dr. Jones in interview room 3.

<Begin Log, 9/30/2001 12:01am>

Dr. Jones: SCP-5942-1, I'm here to ask you some questions, is that okay?

SCP-5942-1: [Looks around the room in curiosity]

Dr. Jones: SCP-5942-1?

SCP-5942-1: [Doesn't seem to acknowledge Dr. Jones]

Dr. Jones: [Taps the desk]

SCP-5942-1: [Looks at Dr. Jones]

Dr. Jones: SCP-5942-1, I'm here to ask you some question, is that okay?

SCP-5942-1: Sure.

Dr. Jones: Great. First question: When were you born?

SCP-5942-1: [Appears puzzled and thinks for several minuets] I don't remember…

Dr. Jones: Okay. Can you remember where you were born?

SCP-5942-1:I think it was Alaska, but I'm not sure.

Dr. Jones: Second question: Who are you?

SCP-5942-1: I've been called many things-

Dr. Jones: [Interrupts SCP-5942-1] Your birth name, if you have one.

SCP-5942-1: [Appears puzzled and thinks for a minute]

Dr. Jones: Okay. Third question: Why did you kill them?

SCP-5942-1: [Shifts around in the chair uncomfortably]

Dr. Jones: Please answer the question.

SCP-5942-1: The voices…

Dr. Jones: [Confused] I'm sorry?

SCP-5942-1: [Distressed] I could hear them, I didn't want to hear them.

Dr. Jones: Who are they?

SCP-5942-1: [Refuses to answer the question]

Dr. Jones: I'll ask again later. Fourth question: Why did you resist?

SCP-5942-1: I was scared.

Dr. Jones: You killed half the squad.

SCP-5942-1: [Agitated] I was afraid.

Dr. Jones: Why did you kill those people?

SCP-5942-1: [Starts crying] The screaming-

Dr. Jones: So you like hearing people scream in terror?

SCP-5942-1: NO! No, I did it to stop the screaming, to stop the voices-

Dr. Jones: [Impatient] What voices?!

SCP-5942-1: The voices! Their screaming! Their pain! I don't want to hear it!

Dr. Jones: [Breaths deeply] You killed them, just to get the voices in your head to stop talking?

SCP-5942-1: [Stops crying] You don't understand.

Dr. Jones: I'm here to understand-

SCP-5942-1: [Interrupts Dr. Jones, shaking in rage] YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND!

Dr. Jones: Please calm down, I didn't mean to anger you.

SCP-5942-1: [Stops shaking] No one understands…

Dr. Jones: I want to understand…

SCP-5942-1: [Claws extend and dig into the metal table] You will never understand.

Dr. Jones: SCP-5942-1-

SCP-5942-1: [Interrupts Dr. Jones] Why do you call me that?!

Dr. Jones: SCP-5942-1, if you don't calm down than I will end this interview and you will be put into containment early.

SCP-5942-1: [Stiffens] Containment?

Dr. Jones: Yes, co-

SCP-5942-1: [Interrupts Dr. Jones] Like a cage?

Dr. Jones: [Pauses] In a way yes.

SCP-5942-1: No.

Dr. Jones: I'm afraid it's not your decision to make.

SCP-5942-1: No! I will not be put in a cage!

Dr. Jones: It's not y-

SCP-5942-1: [Stands up forcefully, interrupting Dr. Jones] No, I will not be put in a cage!

Dr. Jones: [Calmly stands up] This interview is over.

[2 armed guards enter the room]

SCP-5942-1: [Starts to excrete blood from the eyes in a crying like manner]

Guard 1: [Fires a tranquillizer dart at SCP-5942-1 in surprise]

SCP-5942-1: [SCP-5942-1 makes a sound very similar to a dog yipping in pain, teeters from side to side unbalanced, and falls to the ground unconscious. Blood around the eyes clots and deteriorates at an surprising rate.]

Guard 2: [Grabs SCP-5942-1 by the scruff11 and drags SCP-5942-1 out of interview room 3]

<End Log, [9/30/2001 12:22am]>

Closing Statement: SCP-5942-1 claims to hear voices in its head, and is very sensitive about the topic. It is also worth noticing that the blood SCP-5942-1 "cried" clotted almost immediately when SCP-5942-1 became unconscious. Requesting for testing on the blood SCP-5942-1 excreted, as well as an interview on why SCP-5942-1 hates cages. - Dr. Jones


Test SCP-5942-1 blood A - 10/1/2001 2:31pm

Subject: Blood sample of SCP-5942-1

Procedure: SCP-5942-1's blood will be extracted for DNA, to see if SCP-5942-1 has the same biological structure.

Results: Blood sample deteriorated to fast for extraction to be successful, no DNA could be collected.

Analysis: I never new blood could break down at such an amazing speed! Get me another blood sample, and bring it to me ASAP12! Imagine what we could do if we figured out how this happened. - Dr. Tiffany