SCP 5953

Item #: SCP-5953

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5953 must be kept in a show room with a holographic audience displaying applauding and cheering, this gives SCP-5953 the illusion that he is onstage. No personnel should attend these shows for safety reasons. If SCP-5953's holographic audience ever shuts down, SCP-5953 will realize that his viewers were mere fakes and will find a real audience to entertain either inside the facility, or in the outside world. When SCP-5953 does breach, it can be difficult to track him if he leaves the facility, this could mean he could be anywhere people could be. SCP-5953 is usually found in little kids magic show or big magic shows, taking the place as the magician and scarring kids and adults alike with his disturbingly morbid tricks. When SCP-5953 is found, send a D-Class Personnel to ask SCP-5953 if they could see a magic trick involving with his hat, SCP-5953 should oblige and show the D-Class a magic trick, then the D-Class should attempt to take away his hat and immediately incinerate it thus deactivating SCP-5953 of his magic abilities.
When SCP-5953's hat is gone missing or destroyed, he will begin to reform his hat back upon his head.

Description: SCP-5953, also known as "The Magician" is a spirit entity that wears a black top hat and tailcoat with a golden buttoned grey vest, with dark brunette straight hair, and pale white skin. SCP-5953 has unpredictable abilities and tricks up his sleeves of which that could be in a magic show. SCP-5953's magic tricks can leave a mental scar on any age's mind, when a D-Class Personnel was assigned to view SCP-5953, the subject left with a blank eye wide stare as if in shock. When ask to give detail of what he witnessed, the subject did not respond leading to termination. Using another D-Class Personnel who had a stronger mind to go view SCP-5953's show and explain it, he came out giving the same blank stare as the last subject did. The subject in fact did give something out, except he started to stutter and pause out in brief moments.

[["D-Class Personnel explanation on SCP-5953"=]]
Interviewer: [What kinds of tricks did he do?]

Subject: [(Stuttering) He.. He did a thing with his hat.]

Interviewer: [What did he do with his hat?]

Subject: [(Pauses.)]

Interviewer: [(Interviewer snaps his fingers to keep subject focused.)]

Subject: [He uh! Pulled out a rabbit out of his hat and..(Pauses.)]

Interviewer: [And..?]

Subject: [.. There were playing cards flying around the room.. It seemed magically at first..]

Interviewer: [What happened then..?]

Subject: [Then.. Then.. first had me pet the rabbit.. It felt so nice and fluffy.. So soft…]

Interviewer: [Please stay on topic, explain what happened next?]

Subject: [The rabbit started to… I-It started to..]

Interviewer: [What happened to the rabbit?]

[The subject took out a rabbit's foot.]

Subject: [The rabbit.. decayed in my own hands.. My own fucking hands! Right in front of me! Maggots burst out of the rabbit and devoured it to nothing, and left this foot!]

Interviewer: [Calm down.-]

Subject: [And.. And then.. He.. He asked if I was entertained… I didn't answer.]

[Interviewer scribbling in a journal.]

Interviewer: [This concludes this interview, we'll be seeing you next time.]

<End Log>

Closing Statement: [ Subject was clearly in stressed from what he had witnessed, so we used a
SCP-2414 to erase the memory of SCP-5953.]

Addendum: [Researchers has found interesting information that could be linked to SCP-5953. Back in 19██, a magician that went by the name "████ THE GREAT!" who performed a trick involving him shackled in chains and hoisted down a water tube. The trick appeared to go horribly wrong with him locked in chains in a tube of water, until he then started to hit his head against the glass of the tube until he shattered the glass, stepping out of the broken tube now pale as snow. The audience loved it and applaud, ████ took a bow and flew away. He was never seen since.]