
Item #:2342

Object Class:Safe Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2341 is to be kept in a 10m x 10m x 10m x 10m containment Area-14 (see Test Log:914-A). The containment procedures have been put there because of the mental effects SCP-2341 emits to the human brain, therefore the SCP is to be locked in Sector-2 of the site, under a coded door.

Description: The SCP looks like a piece of Swiss cheese, which looks very appealing to all personnel, but contains mind altering worms, which the Scientific Department is looking into. Class-D have said it tastes very good, but later have became extremely hostile.

Test Log 914-1

Dr. Bright: "Alright lads, shove the damn thing in"
<Two D-Class put SCP-2341 into SCP-914, then turn the dial to "Coarse">
Dr. Bright: "Alright, turn the key and leg it towards me."
<The two D-Class run towards the exit of SCP-914`s Containment Chamber>
< A loud noise comes from SCP-914, the SCP-914 struggles to refine SCP-2341>
Dr. Bright: "Shit, O5-██ get Beta-7 here pronto!"
<The D-Class are removed and Dr. Bright is escorted out of the chamber, while SCP-2341 is moved back to Sector-3>

Conclusion: Ethical meeting, hosted by Dr. Bright, has had SCP-2341`s classification from Safe to Keter. The site entered Code Black lockdown until the SCP was placed in the containment chamber

Possible re-classification to Euclid if more tests on it are successful.

O5-█:"We are happy with Doctor Jack Brights work on the SCP, and may consider him for more dangerous tasks in the future."