SCP Concept - For Sale

Item#: SCP-6077


Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6077 is to be contained within a Secure Storage Unit located at Site 19. All Personnel interacting with SCP-6077 are to not peel back the laminated seal that contains the anomalous properties of SCP-6077.

Description: SCP-6077 is an Automobile For Sale sticker, sealed by lamination, measuring 8 inches by 12 inches. The anomalous properties of SCP-6077 become present once the lamination seal is peeled from the back and front of SCP-6077, and is attached to a non-organic object using the adhesive located on the back of SCP-6077. 24 Hours after SCP-6077 is placed onto an object, the Subject, along with any non-organic objects making direct contact with SCP-6077 will vanish. SCP-6077 will reappear within 5 minutes of the Subject vanishing, sealed back in a new case of lamination.

Upon further examination, researchers are unable to determine the means by which SCP-6077 causes Subjects to vanish, as well as the location that SCP-6077 warps Subjects to. All attempts to remove SCP-6077 from the Subject after the attachment has failed. Any object that SCP-6077 is attached to will automatically become immune to physical deterioration or damage.

SCP-6077 was first discovered after multiple reports of cars vanishing in the Downtown Metropolitan Area of New York City. According to witness statements, SCP-6077 was found left in its laminated packaging despite having been peeled off for use.