The Rat


Object Class: Euclid

Relavant SCPs:The Rat Queen

Special Containment Procedures: If SCP-XXXX-A is summoned, evacuate the facility. The assault team should focus on containing SCP-XXXX-A rather than destroying SCP-XXXX-A. If possible introduce knockout gas into SCP-XXXX cell. Finding SCP-XXXX takes priority of dealing with SCP-XXXX-A.

Description: SCP-XXXX-A is approximately 10 times as large and approximately 7 times as wide as SCP-XXXX. The shape of SCP-XXXX-A is, as far as can be perceived, exactly same body structure as SCP-XXXX, including, (as far as can be perceived), scars and the shortened tail, the only difference being elongated legs, sharper teeth, and nails. The body of SCP-XXXX-A is made of a dark liquid, as one researcher described as the color of water “flavored with shit”, and carved stone acting as bones, which appear to be eroded and is similar to stone surrounding to storm drains and sewer concrete. Damage on SCP-XXXX-A is temporary for any “bone” damage to SCP-XXXX-A comes back automatically, such as a magnet attracted to another magnet, although faint cracks can be seen where the piece of “bone” broke off.
The behavior of SCP-XXXX-A is quite erratic, destructive, and acting out on whatever seems to threaten SCP-XXXX. Under observation, SCP-XXXX-A does not react specifically to SCP-XXXX’s whims and is supposed to be a separate entity.

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