SCP-XXXX - Crepuscular Moth

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The perimeter of SCP-XXXX's containment known as Site-782 will expand to cover any established perimeter that SCP-XXXX breaches with the authority granted by order special order 05-P-091 which was granted unanimously by the 05 council after incident SCP-XXX-BCR-03.

There is no known method of physically interacting with, or transporting SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX’s location will be monitored at all times via committed infrared satellite feed for local distortions within Site-782; otherwise staff will have no method of tracking SCP-XXXX during daylight conditions.

All breaches of established perimeter are to be reported to the senior site supervisor in no less than thirty (30) minutes from confirmed sighting or risk facing punitive measures up to and including re-assignment as D-class personnel.

To ensure staff safety, SCP-XXXX may only be approached by non D-class staff members once the lunar phase enters the new moon phase and is waxing crescent. During this phase SCP-XXXX may be approached by no groups of two (2) or more senior officers of level three (3) clearance or higher. This rule must be obeyed, specifically given the significance of new research after the events of [DATA EXPUNGED]

Contact with SCP-XXXX can only be performed by D-class personnel once the lunar phase has begun the full moon phase and begins waning gibbous. Update ██/██/2019: Given recent insight into SCP-XXXX’s true nature, Site-782 research staff are no longer to order D-class personnel to interact with or otherwise ‘feed’ these personnel to the subject. Research into utilizing iterations of SCP-XXXX-01 to monitor SCP-XXXX as it no longer possesses interest in these iterations.

Site-782 exists to monitor and report on the activity of SCP-XXXX until such a time comes when the foundation can contain it.

Foundation experts posit that SCP-XXXX is interacting with species with advanced intelligence in order to bring itself closer to a solution. What the subject gains through these interactions precisely, is unknown. By order ██-█████-██, the 05 council this equation must not be allowed to be solved until such a time that we understand the implications of its occurrence.

Description: SCP-XXXX when visible to the human eye appears to be radiating and dripping with a brightly, previously unknown color that is immediately forgotten upon shifting field of vision away from the subject. SCP-XXXX cannot be captured by camera relying on our known light spectrum. There are four (4) tendrils on either side of SCP-XXXX’s body, composing what has been described by onsite staff as the subject’s ‘wings’.

Tendrils are approximately twelve (12) inches in radius and the length is constantly fluctuating between ten and twenty (10-20) feet; tendrils do not come to a tip. Tendrils connect to a central bodice that is eighteen (18) inches wide and 3 feet long which is reported to be an oval-like mass of shining entangled strands that are constantly undulating and forming shapes that cause a significant migraine in the viewer when trying to comprehend what they are looking at. This effect, like many others presented by SCP-XXXX is unexplained.

Update ██/██/2019: SCP-XXXX is has been determined by the ██████████████ department to be the result of a form of extremely advanced technology processing and attempting to render the result of a physics equation describing a five (5) dimensional object of immense complexity. The actual equation isn’t known and what the equation is attempting to solve is not known; nor should any research be attempted.

Anyone found attempting to research a method of replicating the equation behind SCP-XXXX will be detained and processed accordingly prior to termination.

SCP-XXXX will affect any form of organic life with a brain capable of supporting advanced intelligence coming into contact with its body. We are unable to interact with or affect the subject with our current level of technology. This makes relocating the subject impossible; killing the subject with human weaponry is not possible, nor has it been deemed necessary at this time.

Any personnel above class-D must not make physical contact with SCP-XXXX No biological life considered to have a brain capable of supporting advanced intelligence is to make contact with SCP-XXXX. Subject is naturally drawn towards aforementioned life forms that come within sixty (60) meters of it during the full moon phase; when a current ‘target’ leaves its proximity, SCP-XXXX seeks the next available target; if there is no other life form near that is deemed sufficient for the subject it will remain dormant.

The Foundation has determined SCP-XXXX is not sentient and cannot be reasoned with; the subject is also for this same reason not capable of sympathy, nor can it conceive of human ethics. SCP-XXXX will not seek to move near sentient life outside of the known perimeter of Site-782 and why the target remains in the established radius as well as how it decides when to breach the perimeter is unknown.

SCP-XXXX travels at a speed of 0.05 KM/H; acceleration to this speed as well as coming to a stop is an instantaneous process. Evasion of the subject is a simple matter when subject is visible.

SCP-XXXX is only visible to humans after the sun has set and the moonlight is not blocked by cloud cover. Any foundation personnel visiting Site-782 are required to be debriefed on this file and advised that not seeing SCP-XXXX does not render you immune to its properties. Subject will not respect physical boundaries such as walls or layers of bedrock or steel as it only passes through them as per incident SCP-XXXX-SCR-01.

Foundation experts cannot say precisely when SCP-XXXX first came into existence, but local cave paintings suggest this entity could have been around longer than we could imagine. Due to not knowing when the inception date of the subject is makes it impossible to estimate how many casualties or other collateral damage it has caused.

While described as ‘beautiful’ by on-site personnel, SCP-XXXX presents a large issue in the property it presents when organic life makes physical contact with the subject. Any organic matter coming into contact with SCP-XXXX will immediately be drained of whatever one would consider their personality or essence. Physical contact with SCP-XXXX results in the organic life form becoming an iteration of SCP-XXXX-01 with the subject effectively receiving what foundation medical experts only describe as a ‘no-surgery’ frontal lobotomy,

Instances of SCP-XXXX-01 are harmless and should be sent to local HQ for immediate processing and reassignment as class-E personnel upon recovering one.

SCP-XXXX-01 instances will slowly lumber towards the nearest human that is within view of the subject. If no humans are within eyesight of the instance, CC-Cameras have recorded subjects falling into a dormant state while standing up. Multiple instances of SCP-XXXX-01 will cluster together when the option is available when no humans are present, the cause or purpose of this is unknown and the act is to be discouraged.

SCP-XXXX will only roam within the established radius of Site-782, but is known to very rarely and suddenly vanish and reappear outside of this boundary. This act then increases the boundary to the point of breach permanently; the process of reducing this radius is being researched. What causes this to anomalous activity with SCP-XXXX to occur is unknown and the possibility that we have simply miscalculated its known territory has been considered by senior staff. Senior staff will counter this risk by [DATA EXPUNGED]

Update ██/██/2019: The scenario where SCP-XXXX increases the radius of its perimeter to reach large population masses would be disastrous. All research personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX are currently working toward finding a method to deal with this issue or to potentially terminate the subject should it reach areas with dense human population.


Autopsy report of iteration 0██ of SCP-XXXX-01:
04/30/20██; ██/██/██

Subject prefrontal lobe determined to have been shut down by SCP-XXXX which is consistent with all cases of SCP-XXXX-01.

Research into brain constitution using SCP-████ has revealed that the parietal lobe, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, the amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex were shutdown during the initial encounter with SCP-XXXX.

Carbon dating of brain matter and ████████ reveal that the corpse of iteration 0██ to have aged ten (10) years beyond her known age prior to exposure to SCP-XXXX.

With these new discoveries in mind it has been determined that any subject coming into contact with SCP-XXXX and undergoing the conversion to an iteration of SCP-XXXX-01 is not only painful to the extent of systematically destroying the areas of the brain responsible for pain and stress but combined with the aging of the subject by no less than ten (10) years suggests [DATA EXPUNGED]

On the origins of order 05-P-091(Will be its own page in final)
07/12/1984; 05:04:36

Excerpt from first and final reading of SCP-XXXX-BCR-03 in its entirety by the acting senior supervisor acting at Site-782 at the time of incident, Agent Dudley Clorke.

03:.. and you had insufficient staff for the job that was at hand, even when you did become aware of it.

01: Agreed. A request for further staffing should have been reported ages ago. The HR-429 document is… *audibly sighs*

03: Your incompetence then lead to the deaths of not only all civilians involved in the case but furthermore to three agents, shall I read their names to you?

Agent Dudley Clorke: Does anything to do with [DATA EXPUNGED] bear any weight here?

01: No *chucking* this court… it’s a formality as you’re aware by now. The formality has now adjourned; escort him to be processed as per our assessment.

*Agent Dudley Clorke was terminated following the 05-Council assessment of a major incident for gross incompetence leading to the deaths of a small amount of civilian life and a large waste of foundation resources.*

SCP-XXXX-SCR-01(Will be its own page in final)
10/03/1971; 23:16:04

Site Supervisor Clorke: Bunker five, report status.

Officer Williams: All clear. No sightings tonight, I’m guessing old turbo over in sector 2C isn’t moving anytime soon?

Site Supervisor Clorke: Very funny Jared. Subject “Turbo” was reported by NATO-4 as having moved quite a bit tonight, she’s in sector 1C… do me a favor and give me a call if you see her.

Officer Williams: Affirmative HQ!

Site Supervisor Clorke: *sighing audibly* Over and out.

10/04/1961; 00:45:16

Officer Williams: Subject spotted, command. She’s sneaky tonight, I’ll give’er that much.

Site Supervisor Clorke: Williams, I need you to report the situation, what do you mean the subject ‘snuck up’ on you?

Officer Williams: Subject is on the outer wall of the bunker. I just went out for a perimeter check and-

Site Supervisor Clorke: Williams?! Report! .. [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! *slamming of transceiver*

*Upon reaching Bunker Five (5), SCP-XXXX was found to have passed through the outer wall of the bunker and made contact with Officer Williams who has been reclassified as an iteration of SCP-XXXX-01 following the incident*

Declassified details of SCP-XXXX-BCR-03(Will be its own page in final)

07/11/1984; 23:41:31

A civilian camp was set up outside of the established perimeter of Site-782 undetected by staff, when SCP-XXXX breached perimeter manifesting in the immediate vicinity of their camp.


16 civilians and 3 agents confirmed dead as a result.

05-P-091 is enacted shortly afterward as a direct result.

Origins of Site-782(Will be its own page in final)

Site-782 was established 08/02/1949.

The perimeter of Site-782 is to consist of eight (8) semi-permanent fortifications evenly spaced as possible along the established perimeter of Site-782. Order 05-BP-091 does grant authority to Site-782’s senior supervisor to increase this number should Site-782’s perimeter reach established thresholds after a written demand to the 05 council is approved by no less than two (2) 05 council members.

Site-782 was built to contain SCP-XXXX and is located within the ███████ forest of the Ardennes region of Luxembourg and at the present time no known means are available to move SCP-XXXX to another location.

Site-782 will operate under the pretense of a local government research installation and deny entry to any and all non-foundation entities,

The perimeter fortifications must be each be manned by four (4) armed wilderness-survival specialists at all times. Weapons have no effect on SCP-XXXX. Guards are armed in the event of site invasion (Scenario-04-C), or civilians attempting to breach the site (Scenario-01-A), Civilians caught on site are to be detained, questioned and administered a class-C amnesic before surrendering them to local authorities.