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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All cases of SCP-XXXX are to be contained in 3m by 3m rooms separately. Walls are to be 90cm thick high-density foam, which is to be covered in a heavy-duty vinyl cover. Vinyl must meet ASTM E 84 Class A, NFPA 701-1989 Large Scale and CSFM requirements for flame retardancy and durability. The cell is to be check daily for any damage. Cases of
SCP-XXXX-C are to be fed daily, and cells must contain a stainless steel sink, toilet and bed. Euthanasia is allowed if cases of SCP-XXXX-C express interest. SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-B are not to be touched or disturbed; once decay has finished, remains are to be incinerated at ███°C.

SCP-XXXX is a sentient pathogen able to affect inanimate humanoid objects, typically statues.
SCP-XXXX is currently known to be able to transfer to concrete, stone, marble and clay inanimate humanoid objects. Once SCP-XXXX infects the subject it will become sapient and will strive to contact other infectable objects; affected objects are to be dubbed SCP-XXXX-A. If unable to reach other humanoid objects SCP-XXXX-A will become suicidal and will attempt to [DATA EXPUNGED] for precisely 24 hours. Any attempts of [DATA EXPUNGED] are to be monitored and prevented, due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. After this SCP-XXXX-A becomes homicidal seeking to attack all living organism for approximately 72 hours. If homicide is successful SCP-XXXX-A will proceed to ██████ the victim then ██████ resulting in SCP-XXXX-B. If SCP-XXXX-A fails at suicide and homicide, it will become inactive however will remain infectious. SCP-XXXX-B has fundamental communication skills and appears unable to hold a conversation, see interview 1-A. Three days after contamination SCP-XXXX-B will become aggressive and is to be treated with caution, after six days SCP-XXXX-B will begin to decay. SCP-XXXX-B suffers from amnesia and will actively try to contact unaffected humans. SCP-XXXX-B can infect other humans with SCP-XXXX causing SCP-XXXX-C. Unlike SCP-XXXX-B, SCP-XXXX-C will not incur any physical or immediate mental change. However, SCP-XXXX-C will be subconsciously drawn to inanimate humanoid objects. SCP-XXXX-C is unable to cause other cases of SCP-XXXX-C.

Audio log from Interview A-1:

Interviewed: [SCP-XXXX-B, Previously █████]

Interviewer: [Dr.███████]

Foreword: [Interview took place on ██-██-████, two days after contamination of subject. SCP-XXXX-B is passive at the time resulting in no containment during the interview.]

<Begin Log>

Interviewer: [Let's begin. Please state your name, rank, and registry number for the record.]




Interviewer:[Do you remember anything?]

█████: [Sorry]

Interviewer:[What for? You’ve done nothing wrong.]

█████:[We will.]

<End Log>

Closing Statement: [SCP-XXXX-B was later found to cause ██ cases of SCP-XXX-C.]