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Item #: SCP-1472

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1472 should be contained in a steel box with a lock on it. Under no circumstances should the box be opened except for authorized testing purposes.

Description: SCP-1472 is a toothbrush with a blood red hue. It was found in a home in France, after multiple disappearances were reported in the area. When SCP-1472 is used to brush teeth, it summons an entity known as SCP-1472-B. SCP-1472-B is reported to grab victims, rip their lungs, heart, liver, and intestines out, and then consume the organs, leaving the victim to die a brutal death. SCP-1472-B is reported to not be able to break through anything or open doors.


INCIDENT 2–14-98: SCP-1472
2 Class-Ds entered the chamber while SCP-1472s box was remotely opened by a researcher on the outside of the chamber.
Agent David: Pick up SCP-1472.
D-0351 picked up SCP-1472.
Agent David: Go ahead, use it. Don’t worry, you’ll probably be fine.
D-0351 uses SCP-1472.
A suddenly groan comes from the chamber floor. A red puddle starts to form under SCP-1472.
D-1629 screams and falls to the floor.
SCP-1472-B suddenly leaps out of the puddle.