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Item #: SCP-5673

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: There are no containment procedures required. SCP-5673 Is kept in the cafeteria.

Description: SCP-5673 appears to be a plain Styrofoam cup with a keyboard attached. It was found in a burnt up hole in [DATA EXPUNGED], United States, Ohio. It had a tag labelling it as the number it is now. It seems to have a resonation/kinship with SCP-294. When near each other, SCP-5673 vibrates slowly. All attempts to remove the keyboard have proved fruitless. Molecular testing suggests that the cup is bonded with the keyboard. Whatever is typed into the keyboard -as long as its a liquid- falls from the sky into the cup. The cup seems to be indestructible by all liquid means(eg: hydrochloric acid), and where the liquid falls from is unknown. Multiple tests have been done on what liquids can fall. All impossible liquids such as liquid diamond result in the cup vibrating rapidly and throwing itself at the user. This doesn't appear to affect the user in any way besides an aversion to whatever word they typed in. It doesn't seem to have any sentience. It has a large understanding of English, but cannot speak in this language, either preferring or only able to communicate via morse code.

Addendum 1: The cup seems to have disappeared, and reappeared next to SCP-294 for an unknown reason.

Addendum 5673-2: Requests to upgrade class to Keter have been denied.

Addendum 567309-T: Test results:

Test A-T: A Class-D (white male) types in "the most disgusting drink in the universe". A slow moving brown liquid filled the cup similar to molasses. When they drank it, they instantly fainted, and died of internal hemorrhaging. This is now forbidden, and you can be punished for breaking this rule.

Test B-T: A Class-D (Caucasian female) types in “molten love”. A fast moving, pink/red liquid filled the cup. When the Class-D drank it, their eyes visibly began producing tears, and they began profusely sweating, before fainting due to hyperventilation. This is now forbidden, and you can be punished for breaking this rule.

Test C-T: A researcher used the cup to get orange juice. Orange juice filled the cup, but the researcher complained that it tasted slightly off. Molecular testing is has come back, showing that the “OJ” contained a whole orange tree, including the skin, bark, and leaves.

Test D-T: The same researcher tried to get the cup to fill with “determination”. The cup began vibrating, then throwing itself at the researcher repeatedly. This had no affect on him, but he now has a slight aversion to the word determination.

Test E-T: A different researcher asked for “coffe” misspelled on purpose. The same result as Test D-T. The researcher now is a stickler about typos.

Test F-T: Dr. [DATA EXPUNGED] asked for a solid(graphite). The cup filled with liquid carbon, then it quickly solidified into the molecular shaping of graphite, effectively filling with graphite. Taking the graphite out was harder, as it seemed to have solidified to the exact volume of the cup. Luckily, turning the cup upside down and smacking it seemed to loosen, then falling onto Dr. [DATA EXPUNGED]'s foot.

Test G-T: The cup was filled with water, and then said water was used on Dr. O’Neal’s fern. The fern began growing quite quickly, then “crashed”. The new leaves died and rotted, and they had a carbon dating of 670,000,000,000,000 years of age. Suggestions to use this as a combat for temporal accidents are pending.

Test H-T: The cup was filled with water, and then a Class-D drank it. Nothing happened. Suggestions to show this Class-D to SCP-49 are have been approved. See Test 49-T.

Test 49-T: The Class-D that drank the water was shown to SCP-49. They said that the Class-D was “remarkably pure” and that they “showed little signs of The Pestilence”. They then asked if they could inspect the Class-D. This was initially denied, but SCP-49 pleaded so much that they just wanted them to shut up, so they allowed it. The following is what SCP-49 said. “What a remarkable specimen! So clean and orderly… I wonder what did the trick… I may have to use this in my search for the cure…” SCP-49 then started to babble to themselves in Medieval French, writing in their notebook speedily.

Test I-T: The cup was asked of “mercury”. The cup didn't do anything. It was tested with the older version of mercury, “quicksilver”. The cup is filled with mercury. The cup has seemed to have drawn an understanding between the two words. After this, it is always filled with mercury when asked for mercury.

Test J-T: This was accidental. A guard needed some coffee, so he asked the cup for a “cup of joe”. The closest agent named “Joe” was drained of about 2-3 pints of blood, which then filled the cup. Joe was given amnesiac at request. This is now forbidden, and you will be punished if this thing happens again.

Test K-T: This was accidental. A researcher asked the cup for “pure fresh black coffee”. The cup filled with 100% black coffee. This coffee was so strong, the person who asked for it got so hyper they literally started bouncing off the walls. Using this to combat extreme lethargy is recommended, as long as you don't have any hyperactive disorders such as ADHD. Using this as a combat against certain SCPs is pending.

Test L-T: Dr O’Neal asked for “surprise me” before running about 6 meters away. The cup filled with superheated plasma, somehow in a liquid like state, about 7 times hotter than the sun. This plasma then began to take the shape of a planet, becoming incredibly dense, and having a gravitational pull around it. Signs of nuclear fission had appeared before everyone was evacuated.

Test M-T: Class-D asked for “the drink of the gods”. Th cup vibrated, then producing a thick yellow syrup similar to ichor. When drank, the Class-D fainted, and began to convoluse, glowing brightly. When Class-D woke up, the entirety of their eyes was yellow, and they claimed to know all. All attempts to terminate the Class-D have resulted in many, many failures. The Class-D has been given the designation SCP-[REDACTED].