To hang by the neck until dead

Rope closely resembling SCP-4808

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Item #: SCP-4808

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4808 is to be kept in a standardized Euclid class containment cell, in the light containment zone of site-88. Cameras are to be placed in each corner of the room, to ensure maximum observation of SCP-4808.

Personnel are to check the containment cell for cracks or holes on the outside, and the inside via cameras every seven days. If any cracks or holes are visible in the walls, floor, or celling of SCP-4808’s containment chamber, SCP-4808 is to be relocated to a temporary containment chamber until the cracks and/or holes have been sealed.

Description: SCP-4808, is a long length of rope made of jute. The rope measures approximately 30 meters, as no exact measurement can be made without possible danger. The rope has shown to be indestructible, as all attempts to cut, burn, or otherwise destroy the rope have resulted in failure.

SCP-4808 is able to move on its own, resembling the movement of a snake. It will slither over to the nearest person, and in some cases, pushing itself until it’s upright against the wall to get as close as possible. It shows no other qualities of awareness.

If unstopped by an object such as a wall, SCP-4808 will slither over to the nearest person, and start coiling up their leg and the rest of their body. If SCP-4808 does come in contact with a human, the ‘tail’ of the rope, will begin to knot itself into a noose. Once at the neck of said personnel, SCP-4808 will wrap its noose around the personnel’s neck, and tighten or loosen itself to fit said neck.

SCP-4808 will proceed to levitate of the ground, thus begin hanging the personnel. At this stage, SCP-4808 has been impossible to remove from the personnel. SCP-4808 will keep levitating upwards until it either hits the celling, or the personnel dies.

Once the personnel dies, SCP-4808 will immediately unknot itself, and collapse onto the floor. It shall then resume its docile state of slithering to the nearest human. A team consisting no smaller than 3 D-Class personnel, are to enter the containment chamber to carry out the dead body.


SCP-4808 was found in a wooden box that had been dumped of the shore, roughly 40 miles off Port Elizabeth, South Africa. It was recovered by MTF Norton44. The box appeared to be moving on its own, and was reported as a possible SCP. Please see Addendum 4804-A for a complete Audio log of the recovery event.

Addendum 4804-A:

Note: The following is the transcript of audio logs taken during initial recovery of SCP-4804. SCP-4804 had not been discovered by the foundation before the time of recovery, and SCP-4804 was presumed to be a box which was able to move on its own. The divers who were stationed for the task, were to swim to SCP-4804, and return it to the SCPF Charleston.

Dive team was composed of three members of MTF Norton-44, lead by MTF O-44 Mercury. Launch point was through the airlock of the Foundation submarine SCPF Stravinsky. All divers were equipped with high-pressure suits, as well as front-facing headlamps. Additionally, a tether was connected to MTF O-9 Alpha, which was then connected in a “T” shape out to both Bravo and Foxtrot.


Kingsman: Is this thing on? Testing, 1, 2

Dodo: It is on Kingsman
Mercury: Ok Command, I believe we are all ready for departure
Command: Alright then, go and sound off
Dodo: Dodo, check
Mercury: Mercury, check
Kingsman: Kingsman, check
Command: Alright then, we will start flooding the airlock in one moment.
Rushing water is heard, as well as unnecessary social chat between the three divers, as the airlock floods. This is followed by the sound of large metal doors opening, as the doors to the airlock open up, and the 3 divers swim out.
Command: Ok Norton, we are pin pointing the location of this SCP on your wrist watches, so stand by for that.
Mercury: I think we all have it now.
Command: What you are looking for is a small wooden box.
Dodo: Understood
It takes approximately 5 minutes for the 3 members of Norton-44 to reach the location of SCP-4804.
Kingsman: Found a small wooden box over here.
The other 2 units swim over to Kingsman
Dodo: Is this really it? That’s the SCP?
Mercury: Looks to be so, but it’s shaking really violently
//All the sudden, a long piece of rope bursts out of the lid of the wooden box. This would later be officially identified as SCP-4808. It begins to coil around the neck of Kingsman, and tighten itself to fit his neck.
Dodo: Holy Shit!
Mercury: Command, a piece of rope busted itself out of the box, flew up out of the water, and took Kingsman with it!

Drones were sent above the water, to capture what was going on. SCP-4808 was seen hanging Kingsman above the water. He died before any special forces could arrive. Class-A amnestics were put into Port Elizabeth’s water supply, to prevent the spread of SCP-4804.

After the death of Kingsman, 3 members of MTF-57 Lama, were sent to retrieve the box SCP-4804 was found in. When retrieved, a singular skull was found in the box, presumed to be the last person SCP-4804 killed before its recovery. Radiocarbon dating tests show that the skull came from the mid-1700s, and is presumed to be from a British colonist.

SCP-4804 was later retrieved by the remaining 2 diving members of MTF Norton-44.