
Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object class: Euclid

Special containment procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be contained in a hotel in ████, Alabama. A large fence is to be built around the hotel. The entrance of SCP-xxxx is to be blocked of by a locked door. There must be cameras at the entrance of SCP-xxxx. No personnel are permitted to enter SCP-xxxx, unless permitted by a level 2 or higher personnel.

Description: SCP-xxxx is a long and narrow hallway which seems to have an infinite length. Class-D personnel have been sent in to investigate, only one returned and no trace of the other subjects was ever found. The subject that returned said that he did not remember his name and his age. The only thing the subject seems to remember is his experience in the hallway. It seems that once a subject views SCP-xxxx, they have a temptation to walk into the hallway, this temptation requires much effort to resist. The most hazardous effects of the hallway is that the more distance you cover of SCP-xxxx, the more you will lose basic knowledge and memories. Dementia will begin to develop in the brain of the subject. Visibility is limited to 100ft. There have been sightings of a strange pale creature, known as SCP-xxxx-1. SCP-xxxx1-1 is a pale creature that has the appearance of a human and wears early 1900's style clothing. However, SCP-xxxx-1’s face has no features except for a mouth. Some scientists speculate that SCP-xxxx-1 could have been a subject who walked into SCP-xxxx many decades ago, if this theory is correct, it is not known how SCP-xxxx-1 survived for so long. It is unknown what tempts subjects to walk into the hallway.