sesmors bouts

Item #: scp-4XXX

Object class: Safe



Special containment Procedures: scp-4XXX is to be in a 5 meter x 5 meter containment cell. scp-4XXX-2,and scp-1488-3 are to kept on top of scp-4XXX-1 at all times, unless a staff member, or (during testing) a D-class personnel initiate a "Star Bringer Event". At which point scp-4XXX-3 can be removed from containment at any time, and since a "Star Bringer Event" always results in scp-4XXX-3, and scp-4XXX-2 being returned to scp-4XXX-1; no containment procedure are necessary. This make scp-4XXX is a self containing scp. Any staff member may access scp-4XXX ,and Initiate a "Star Bringer Event."(given the the schedule allows for it).

Scp-4XXX is contained at site █████████ Scotland. Site █████████
is directly on the coast, the land where site █████████ is built is known locally as the star land.

Descriptionscp-4XXX-1 is a stone block semi-wedged in the ground. scp-4XXX-1 has sanctimonious design, and art dating back to █████████.scp-4XXX-1 is unbreakable, and Moving scp-4XXX-1 is impossible, as scp-4XXX-1's weight and physical properties seem to change when ever some tries to move it. scp-4XXX-1 is by current means Indestructible.

Scp-4XXX-2 is a clear,pink,crystalline substance in the shape of a perfect 5.9 in" x 3.5 in" x 3.5 in"
cylinder. scp-4XXX-2 is formed around scp-4XXX-3, and rests on top of scp-4XXX-1. Scp-4XXX-2 is immune to all reality warping effects. Scp-4XXX-2 is completely Indestructible by any means, except by coming in contact with almost all humanoid subjects; who have not been part of a "Star Bringer Event" (for more information see testing logs below). upon coming in contact with a subject who has not experienced a "Star Bringer Event"; scp-4XXX-2 will shatter, and begin a new "Star Bringer Event", the shards of scp-4XXX-2 will dematerialize 1 minute, after shattering (see below). When scp-4XXX-2 is more than 200 meters away from scp-4XXX-1, scp-4XXX-2 will dematerialize, and then rematerialize back on top of scp-4XXX-1. (Due to the anomalous properties of scp-4XXX-3 the subject, who shattered scp-4XXX-2 at the time will be referred to as "Star Bringer".) Dr.█████ purposed using "Star Bringer Events" to decrease hostility in test subject, The proposal was denied under the pretense of spreading information about scp-4XXX. During a containment breach, scp-106 came in contact with scp-4XXX-2, and a new "Star Bringer Event" began, because of this there is an extensive testing log of involving almost all humanoid scps. (see Testing records)

Scp-4XXX-3 is a star shaped ball of light. scp-4XXX-3 is held by any current "Star Bringer". While in proximity to scp-4XXX-3 subjects feel a sense of nostalgia, happiness, and reassurance, Often described as feeling like, "how child feels towards their night light." scp-4XXX-3 has the ability to edit, and change physical documents, and the minds of subject participating in a "Star Bringer Event", so when referring to the subject who shattered scp-4XXX-2 at the time of a "Star Bringer Event" the subject can only be referred to as "Star Bringer". scp-4XXX-3 seems to have some form of mass being able to be hugged, held, or passed Along, but usually floats above a subjects hand. During a "Star Bringer Event" all subject instructed to take scp-4XXX-3 from the current "Star Bringer" are unable to follow Instructions always stating "I can't bring myself to do it." scp-4XXX-3 selects people for any currently running "Star Bringer Event".All subject who participate in a "Star Bringer Event" do not have any memory of it, except for the "Star Bringer". scp-4XXX-3 seems unable , or doesn't care to edit video camera footage.