My SCP Idea
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Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: X

Special Containment Procedures: The building entrances will be guarded by security personnel, the street access by no less than two armed guards and rooftop access by no less than two armed guards. Access points will be monitored from an adjacent building by two unarmed security guards. No personnel is allowed to enter the building, unless approved by level 3 Researcher.
In case of an SCP-XXXX-1 or -2 appearance event, all personnel assigned to the building will be interviewed and cleared for reassignment. No personnel that was present during an appearance event is to be reassigned to SCP-XXXX under any circumstances (see Event XXXX-1).

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 4 story apartment building in downtown ██████████, Uruguay, recently constructed in the year 20██. The first floor consists of a lobby and stairwell access. Second and third floors consist of 3 apartments each, connected by a corridor with access to the stairwell. The fourth floor consists of 2 apartments, with access to the stairwell in one end, and roof access in the other. Basement access is via the stairwell, where a laundry room, gymnasium and basketball court can be found. SCP-XXXX is mostly inert, only presenting anomalous characteristics when humans are present inside the building, in which case, an entity, designated SCP-XXXX-1 can be seen going through a daily routine.
SCP-XXXX-1 is a humanoid female in her early twenties, approximately 160cm in height, that is mostly seen in apartment 2██, on the second floor. It will perform normal day to day tasks within the apartment and "visit" the other apartments within the building, where it will take part in what can be described as social interactions, however, no other entities can be seen or detected during said interactions. Whenever SCP-XXXX-1 encounters a human subject within the building, it will attempt to establish conversation, and make every effort to make the subject feel welcome and comfortable. No further social behavior is seen in the case of female subjects, however, male subjects will be seen to receive seduction attempts by the entity, with no perceived immediate effect on the subject, regardless of the outcome of the attempt, as long as he remains within the building.
A second entity, designated SCP-XXXX-2, a humanoid shadow, apparently from a male approximately 180cm in height, will roam the building while humans are present, however, it will not acknowledge or engage them in any way. If encountered, the entity will interact with SCP-XXXX-1 however, in what appears to be normal interactions between a couple. The entity will change behavior if it encounters SCP-XXXX-1 in the act of seducing a human male subject, proceeding to violently assault SCP-XXXX-1, with no adverse effect on the subject.
If SCP-XXXX-1 seduction attempts are successful, interactions proper of a couple can occur between the entity and the subject, including, but not limited to, conversation, verbal flattery, non-verbal communication, physical contact, and even intercourse, with no adverse effect for the subject while inside the building, however, upon leaving the building, subjects that engaged with the entity in a successful seduction attempt, will spontaneously implode when they are 10 meters away from the entrance to the building, with remains consisting of the clothing worn and the blood of the subject. If the attempt is not successful, or otherwise interrupted by SCP-XXXX-2, the subject will not incur damage upon leaving the building.

Addendum XXXX-1: SCP-XXXX came to the attention of the Foundation when an agent was reviewing cases in the National Center for Mental Rehabilitation, a recent patient, named ██████, ██████, came into the institution on April ██, 20██ with an extreme case of PTSD, affirming that a "shadow" had killed four of his friends in a downtown building. Agent █████ tracked down the building, finding it empty, except for SCP-XXXX-1, which proceeded to attempt to seduce agent █████ only to be interrupted by SCP-XXXX-2.
Mr. ██████ was transferred from the NCMR to Site-██, while a team consisting of two agents and two researchers was dispatched to assess the anomaly, finding the building empty, except for SCP-XXXX-1, contact was established with the entity, and it agreed to be interviewed by Dr. ████ and Dr. ███████. A transcript of the interview is available to all Level 2 personnel (see Addendum XXXX-2). Upon interviewing Mr. ██████, containment procedures were established and put in effect. A transcript of the interview is available to all Level 2 personnel (see Addendum XXXX-3).