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Item #: SCP-19-17

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: None. They have not been found yet. But a Swedish scientist made a containment that's shaped like a sewer/small tube. These penguin-like shaped creatures can be around 2-3ft tall so they can fit these tubes. Also these creatures can burn your hands so you have to wear some gloves.

Description: SCP-19-17 is an SCP that comes from Finland. It's been known for it's penguin-like shape… They live in sewers, especially in Finnish sewers. They move really fast, because they are small creatures. There are females and males. They HAVE feelings so when they are angry their skins become really burning hot. When they are tired their heads go a little bit inside. When they are sad, they cry. But when they are happy, they run really fast and they then enjoy.

Scientists have been counting and learning and have came to an conclusion. There might be over 4 000 000 of these species/creatures. They CAN reproduct.

Reports: It gets it's name from the first victim that was reported missing in 1917 because of this creature.

The second time on of these creatures was seen was in Winter 1999. A Finnish man was cleaning sewers when he was reported missing.

The third and the last time one of these was seen was in June 2020. An Irish man was reported missing when he went hiking with his family. The family was found, but they didn't say anything

Only ONE of these creatures was found dead in Australia in 1987. It was burned to death so it lost it's body. Only the head was found covered in moss.

After it was found, a small Australian city was infected of some kind of virus or bacteria. Not known

Help: Scientists are now asking for help. They are looking for sketches of this creature so they can go find them and be aware of them.