SkyHunter372's Sandbox of sandboxy-ness
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SCP-??? when found in ███████, Michigan

Item #: SCP-???

Item Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-??? is to be kept in a common household plant pot filled with soil in a containment cell. No personnel are to come within one meter of SCP-??? unless stated to do so. Once a month a subject must interact with SCP-??? to provide needed nutrients as all common fertilizers are rejected by SCP-???. All testing on the entity is to be monitored by two armed guards. At all times one lightly armed guard must be monitoring SCP-??? by means of CCTV cameras. No other flowers are to be allowed within a ten-meter radius of the containment cell.

Description:SCP-??? is a vibrant pink tulip. The entity was found in ███████, Michigan controlling the town of [DATA EXPUNGED] with an effect that causes all humans that get within one meter to become completely controlled by the pollen that is being continually ejected from the flower. The source of the pollen is currently unknown but Foundation researchers have theorized that when a human is taken under its control part of its body mostly unneeded parts i.e. toes, fingers, and extra skin is given to the plant to sustain and create more pollen. If a human body is extremely allergic to pollen it will undergo an extremely painful process of becoming organic fertilizer for the flower instead of being compelled to its commands. The fertilizer has been observed to be used when the plant has no new subjects to gain nutrients from.

Subjects that have been exposed to SCP-???, have shown that once the pollen is within their bodies it will then start to replicate within their lungs rapidly which causes all those that are affected to have very audible breathing and visible pollen coming out of their body when breathing, this pollen is unknown to be able to spread from the current subject to another host. When there is enough pollen within a host's body they will cease all functions and collect around the flower
and wither away to become more fertilizer. Pollen of the flower is thought to cause other flowers to behave the same way as the original flower, but no tests have been done to see if this is true.

Each subject that is and has been controlled by SCP-??? is to be designated as SCP-???-1 through SCP-???-9999 depending on how many subjects have been recorded and will be repeated every time the max is reached as many of the original infected will have died out by this time. Subjects have been recorded to have lost all free will and responsiveness to the outside world including any action against their body, the only exception to this is when collecting new subjects or when the flower is in danger. Any attempt to get the subject out of this state has proven ineffective even to the point of near-death events. The time for subjects to succumb to SCP-??? varies from person to person depending on a multitude of factors which include, weight, height, mental activity/health, and current medications. The longest gestation period for total control recorded has been five (5) hours with a guard who accidentally got affected by SCP-??? on █/12/20██.

Test 1 - Date █/05/20██
-The subject was told to approach the flower within the chamber
-Once within reaching distance the subject immediately fell to the ground having a seizure
-Ten (10) minutes later the subject then rose and tried to escape the chamber
-After an hour the subject is seen coughing up piles of pollen
-The subject was terminated after being brought out of the chamber after not responding to questioning

Test 2 - Date █/09/20██
-The subject was told to water the flower with an accompanied guard
-Once again as the subject came in arm's length they fell to the ground and had a seizure
-After about twenty (20) minutes the subject has gotten up and starts running at the guard who accompanied him
-The guard having not been prepared quickly raise his gun and shot the subject three times, disabling him
-An autopsy shows that the subject's lungs had been half full with pollen

Test 3 - Date █/12/20██
-The subject was told to go in with a guard and take the plant out of the pot
-Once in the chamber the subject turned around and grabbed the guard and threw him at the pedestal holding the plant
-The guard not being ready stumbled within reach of the flower and succumbed to it and fell to the ground
-The subject was terminated and the guard was taken to a hospital room on site
-Five hours later the guard awoke and tried to drag a doctor to the flower
-The guard was terminated when trying to gain access to SCP-???