The Slime That Hates
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SCP-6000 found in ██████████ █████████

Item #: SCP-6000

Object Class: Euclid impetus

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-6000 is to be kept in a 8.22m by 8.22m steel containment chamber with at least 5 lumens constantly shining at it in a straight continuous line. By no means is any living tissue to come in contact with SCP-6000 unless testing is ongoing..

SCP-6000 is cognito-hazardous and corrosive to everything but steel. A level 2 keycard is required to access containment of SCP-6000. Many tests have went under way for SCP-6000, most resulting in 1 to 10 deaths. Cross testing is allowed for personnel Level 2 and above. SCP-6000 is reactant to visual stimuli, such as but not limited to, waving and nodding of the head. Threatening stimuli1 will react in "conflict". The so-called "conflict" is a conflict with the brain's wiring in specifically the occipital and parietal lobes.

Testing with biological substances has shown that it has, 'consumed them', for a lack of better words.

SCP-6000 is usually 9.78m2 in size. It can expand to ███.██m2. In its largest form, it should be issued a cleaning crew and a biohazard crew.

SCP-6000 has shown to be sentient, though, it has no vocal chords. It can still speak, but in a mangled, slurred tone.