

Object Class:Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3765 Is to be kept in a small vault. SCP-3765 cant move at night. At all times SCP-3765 must be kept at gun point via a turret. If someone is to enter the room they must have a guard with them.

Description: SCP-3765 was found in a sewer is the UK. The creature was wearing a hoodie and a mask. The mask is carved into a wood which the SCP states is made from 'Prime Wood.' The hoodie is a simple one. That could be found at any store. SCP-3765 is known to speak to anyone who enters the room, telling them the stories of there lives. Upon finishing the stories the person who has entered begins to feel unsafe and will try to escape. SCP-3765 shows SCP-3765-A the subjects worst nightmare. SCP-3765 Them becomes that and kills the subject in the most painful and slow way.

If SCP-3765 escapes all personnel must wear blackout goggles and not make eye contact with SCP-3765 at all costs.

SCP-3765 makes a loud screaming sound every 10-20 minutes. If SCP-3765 is not heard alert all guards as quickly as possible.