
My graveyard of dead ideas


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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX's host should be contained within a small room, the room can vary in size but should stay around 3.5 meters by 3.5 meters by 2 meters, the security of the room depends on how active the host is. Some hosts of SCP-XXXX will need special procedures or construction of their containment cell. During the event of the host of SCP-XXXX becoming deceased the new host must be located and contained in one of the containment cells previously built for one of the hosts of SCP-XXXX.

Any of the immediate family genetically related to the host are to be held in separate cells on-site of SCP-XXXX's host's containment cell, each of the relative's cells are to be about 5 meters by 5 meters by 2 meters with no windows. Relatives can have two hours each day to go to the courtyard for exercise.

In the event of the new host acquiring a possibly destructive ability when inhabited by SCP-XXXX they will be held in a special cell until a cell equipped to handle their inhabitation is constructed. The cell is about 10 meters by 10 meters by 10 meters with a foam padding on any exposed surface and a steel door around 15 centimeters in width; this cell is to be only accessible to members with Level-2 security clearance.

Description: SCP-XXXX has no true physical form and thus acts like a parasite that is passed between hosts. It appears differently to each host using either vision, audition, or tactician, unseen yet theorized are the occurrence of gustation or olfaction being used. When a host becomes deceased SCP-XXXX leaves the host and inhabits a new one, it will choose to the nearest genetically related relative in the immediate family of the previous host favoring relatives the genetically closest. If the former host has no immediate family it will attach to a nearby human, the range of that SCP-XXXX can choose a host at a yet to be discovered, it is assumed to be a substantial distance measured in kilometers rather than meters.

Some hosts of SCP-XXXX can acquire specific abilities; these abilities are in no way controlled by the host. Only two such cases have been observed. The first was the ability to "levitate" when "picked up" by a visual manifestation of SCP-XXXX, the second the host was told the intentions of others by the auditory manifestation of SCP-XXXX. Abilities given by SCP-XXXX could and are considered to be dangerous, any case of a host gaining abilities through SCP-XXXX should be regarded as such.

Hosts of SCP-XXXX give off an unknown form of electromagnetic energy waves with a continually fluctuating frequency and wavelength, this creates a detectable "warble" effect in their surroundings. This "warble" does not seem to come directly from the body of the host; instead, it comes from areas that some of the hosts describe the manifestation of SCP-XXXX. The "warble" is thought to be a factor to the hosts acquiring abilities from SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX was first discovered inhabiting a patient in a mental institution in [Nashville, Tennessee] after its closure in 1977, the first discovered host of SCP-XXXX1 was [Brian Youker], he was initially not contained because of the lack of evidence of anomalous activity. SCP-XXXX-a described the SCP-XXXX as a voice that was always coming from behind him and tried to get him to harm everything around him, SCP-XXXX-a was antisocial and seldom ate, he died six months later of unknown causes, no known host of SCP-XXXX has since died on such ambiguous terms.

Two years later after a report of a man "levitating" in the streets of [REDACTED] the host of SCP-XXXX was located and contained, the new host was [David Youker] the father of SCP-XXXX-a. SCP-XXXX-b described SCP-XXXX as a tall black figure with bloodshot eyes and a smile with yellowed teeth that stretched across the entire area of its head. He was more active than the SCP-XXXX-a and tried multiple escape attempts, once in containment SCP-XXXX-b had stopped levitating all together and tried talking to SCP-XXXX this often ended in violent fits of screaming and attempts of self-harm.

Addendum 1: The current containment site for hosts of SCP-XXXX is in a specialized site in [Mojave Desert] known as Site 84-1. The site is an above-ground concrete structure with no windows and an outer fence. There is only one road to Site 84-1. The nearest town is [Helene, Nevada] and is approximately 20 kilometers away.

Addendum 2: The current host of SCP-XXXX is currently at large, there is a possibility of SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-f being located in [DATA EXPUNGED] do to equipment searching for the "warble" picking up a small ping of it before it faded away, SCP-XXXX-f could be dangerous and any attempt to locate it should be made with precaution.


Short Summary of My Plan
A tale that follows a doctor named Herman Bland. He believes that there may be something bigger out there and goes around trying to conduct unauthorized tests on anomalous objects that he sees as important or dangerous, but the foundation has already chosen to conclude testing, or at least has stepped back on the tests. He is later caught when he tries to use the SCP listed above, the one I call the defacing machine, this specific SCP is used because he believes someone made it and could make more, he wants that to be stopped.