SCP-XXXX: A Pause in Reality
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[NOTE: The following Containment Procedures and description are outdated but will be left for the convenience of any researchers studying SCP-XXXX. Please refer to the bottom of the document for the updated version.]

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be suspended using an arrangement of magnets. Routine maintenance is to be administered to the magnets, and should one be damaged or not functioning, be replaced in a timely fashion.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a metallic sphere with a radius of one (1) centimeter. It is presumably made of iron, and as such is attracted to magnets. Due to its anomalous properties, its mass and actual physical composition cannot be determined.

SCP-XXXX causes complete biological and physical stasis in any object it comes into contact with. What SCP-XXXX considers an object tends to vary, although generally it is anything that is not physically affixed to something else. For example, a single gear, rather than the system of them, or a single person, not two people in contact with each other. A notable exception to this is when SCP-XXXX is introduced to a biological subject, organisms such as gut flora and bacteria undergo stasis as well. Behaviors such as opening or closing a box under its influence are still possible, however it is still not recommended to place it into any closed system in the event it cannot be retrieved. Once SCP-XXXX is removed from a subject, typically through the use of a magnet, its effects cease.

Subjects under the influence of SCP-XXXX, henceforth known as SCP-XXXX-1, exhibit the following properties:

  • Invulnerability to physical harm
  • The ceasing of all internal or biological functions
  • Varying gain in mass, appears to increase with increased initial mass of subject
  • The inability to be pierced by sharp tools or equipment, and in addition, any electromagnetic waves
  • Resistance to fire
  • Inability to change state of matter (Ex: Solids will not turn to liquids when heated)