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Item # : SCP-####

Object class : Keter

Special Containment Procedures : Due to its nature, each instance of SCP-####, requires specific containment procedures suited to the exact circumstances in which it occurs. Objects created by SCP-#### are to be designated SCP-####-1 and are to be forwarded to the initial contrainment unit until such time a permanent designation is applied.

Specific prevention procedures do apply. Each Foundation containment site containing multiple Euclid or Keter class objects are required to adhere to the following measures :

- Monthly Hume readings to determine accurate baseline Hume levels.
- Each containment site is to be fitted with Hume monitors and full-range spectometers designed to raise an alarm should readings indicate an instance of SCP-####-1.
- Such monitoring installations should be evenly distributed across the site, depending on the size and surface area, covering as much of the site as possible, allowing for the triangulation of inception sites.
-Each site should house at the very least 1 researcher (junior or above) designated to perform a daily check of the monitoring installations and to forward all readings to the SCP-#### research team.
- A researcher assigned to SCP-#### should be consulted when building new containment cells with regards to neighbouring containment cells and background Hume levels.
- In the case that an SCP poses a cognitohazard or the SCP is for any other reason highly restricted knowledge, a researcher assigned to the project should be briefed on SCP-#### containment and prevention procedures.
- Head researcher Dr. Johannsen is to hold an annual lecture on the cause, effects and containment measures regarding SCP-####. Any and all researchers, agents, council members and foundation personnel are invited to attend these lectures as often as possible.

Any new containment sites should take these measures into consideration going into the construction phase.

Description : SCP-#### is the process of euclidean procreation, in which the storage of multiple Euclid or Keter class objects in relative1 close vicinity of each other, can create a new anomalous object or area, or project anomalous properties to common objects, temporarily designated SCP-####-1. This process, often incorrectly referred to as 'bleeding' or 'blending' by most researchers, does not appear to create anomalies with any specific traits of anomalous objects in the vicinity thought to be responsible for SCP-####-1.

Creation of SCP-####-1, referred to as an inception event, is usually accompanied by a steady lowering of Hume levels across several weeks or even months, followed by an immediate peak in background Hume levels at the moment of inception. The peak dies down in a timeframe relative to the drop in a 5:1 ratio. In rare cases, a small burst of electromagnetic radiation can be perceived, most notably in the extreme ends of the gamma and radio wave ranges. These bursts do not pose a danger in and of itself due to their low emission rate. Subjects in the immediate vicinity (<5m) of the inception point also report a metallic taste and a slight pressure on the ears, although these experiences can vary.

All instances of SCP-####-1 emit very low level gamma and radio wave emissions, and can be easily located using a gamma ray detector or by handheld radio. Due to the prevalent use of handheld radio equipment with security personnel, the latter has proven to be the most efficient way of locating inception points.

The timeframe in which instances of SCP-####-1 are created varies, depending on the size and deviation to the norm of each instance. The shortest timeframe recorded spanned 96 hours, resulting in the inception of a small, anomalous penny, with background readings normalising over a period of approximately 19 hours. The longest timeframe recorded spanned 42 days, resulting in the inception of SCP-███, with background readings normalising over 8 days. Incident ####-17 occured following a timeframe of approximately 20 days, normalising over 4 days. All inception events show similar drop rates over time, allowing the Foundation to accurately predict when such event is imminent.

Most instances of SCP-####-1 are benign and are later classed as Safe or simply anomalous. See incident logs. Standard precautions must be taken. It must be noted that the aforementioned features of the inception process do not take into account, the possible properties of the created instance.

To date, 8 instances of SCP-####-1 have been recorded. It is theorised, however, that at least double that number have been created, but are simply not anomalous enough or present no noticable features. Some are theorised to have been written off as side effects of other SCPs.

Addendum ####-1A: Due to the nature of SCP-####, it is important for all foundation personnel to be made aware of SCP-####. In this regard, all sites are to be provided with leaflets, posters and educational material related to SCP-####. On-site lectures can be requested directly from the SCP-#### research team by any site administrative staff.

Addendum ####-24: The SCP-#### research team is currently tracking two suspected inception events.

Event 1 : Site 19, east wing. Hume levels have been recorded dropping from baseline of 0.9154 to 0.9081 over the course of 4 months. Inception event suspected to occur within the following month. Due to the danger of a containment breach following the inception event, Site 19 is to be monitored closely and to be locked down prior to inception.

Event 2 : Monitor stations in the city of ██████, █████████ report a drop from baseline of 0.9801 to 0.9698 over the course of 14 days. Inception event suspected to occur within 7 days. Due to limited Foundation presence in the area, it is assumed an anomalous storage facility under control of a group of interest is located somewhere within the city. MTF Delta-5 "Front Runners" are currently deployed on-site.