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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-XXXX is to be held in a 5x5km steel dome. SCP-XXXX's dome MUST be ventilated with air filtrators at all times. The steel dome is 1m thick, and because of the nature of SCP-XXXX, it is impossible to move. Due to SCP-XXXX's location and time of discovery, site-[REDACTED] is still under construction. The steel dome is to be watched 24-7 by snipers dispatched in towers. Snipers are preferred if former war participants with previous experience. Snipers are preferably equipped with any high caliber rifle. All site staff is to wear standard issue gas masks as of incident SCP-XXXX-CB1. If containment is permanently breached, all non-vital on-site staff is to consume x1 cyanide pill(s). Remaining staff is to be evacuated by helicopter and immediately medically examined. All available MTF's in the immediate area is to make a perimeter around the [REDACTED] forest. Gas masks are to be distributed to all major population centers on [REDACTED]. Coverup story SCP-XXXX-S is to be distributed until situation has calmed down or re-containment is accomplished. MTF Beta-7 equipped with flame throwers and hard-shell hazmat suits is deployed.

If the perimeter around the [REDACTED] forest is overrun, all civilians in [REDACTED] should be evacuated immediately. Cover up story SCP-XXXX-S1 should be used and immediate construction of a defense line following the [REDACTED] canal, with, or without the permission of [DATA EXPUNGED]


SCP-XXXX is a large sprout, measuring 20x20m. Scientists have classified it as an exotic type of fungi. the sprout has a vast underground network of roots, recorded to go at least 300m underground, making it impossible to install an on-site nuke close enough to neutralize SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX will re-grow lost body mass in a matter of minutes, and all attempts to place a nuke underground close enough to SCP-XXXX to neutralize it has failed, loosing [DATA EXPUNGED] foundation personnel in the prosses. SCP-XXXX will also react aggressively to reduced oxygen in the air around it, or if it feels it is threatened. Reactions include making SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 more aggressive, erupting clouds of spores, and [REDACTED]
SCP-XXXX has two states: Dormant and Contentious.

While dormant, SCP-XXXX has a reduced metabolic rate, and it will envelop anything touching it (except the ground). The roots of SCP-XXXX also have this ability. All instances of SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 will be less active and are not hostile until aggravated while SCP-XXXX is dormant.

While Contentious, SCP-XXXX will produce spores, tagged BHC-3348. Material 3348 is highly contaigus, and will infect biological material it is exsposed to.

Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]