
Item #: SCP-4692
Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4692 Is to be kept In a 2 x 2 x 1 Meter containment cell with blank drywall to avoid a containment breach, and a cleaning crew to enter bi-weekly to scrub the walls while SCP-4692 Is in it’s dormant state.

Description: SCP-4692 is a Giant novelty Number 2 pencil. Communication, while difficult, is possible through writing. SCP-4692 is able to float up to 2 meters off the ground through anomalous means . It is advised to not show aggression towards SCP-4692, as it will enter it’s Offensive state, in which it will accelerate up to speeds up to ███ km/h, being able to pierce most solid objects, Biological or Non biological, and will enter a dormant state after 1 hour - 1 and a half hours and stay in said state for 10 hours after. Drywall has seems to act as a reflector to SCP-4652, as it only bounces off, with no damage done to the drywall . This is exceptionally useful for cleaning the containment cell. SCP-4692’s offensive state can be activated by certain words, gestures, or people, such as: chipper, erasure, or a taunting gesture made with two fingers. SCP-4692 is unable to be incinerated, or destroyed, despite being made of what seems to be ordinary oak wood.

Recovery: SCP-4692 was recovered in ██████/Illinois after many noise complaints were filed to the local police department which include: “rapid banging on the walls of that house for over 30 minutes”
And “I swear whatever is making that noise is getting faster by the second”. This got the attention of The Foundation, and a recovery team was sent out to to investigate, and eventually contain what would be SCP-4692. When the team arrived, SCP-4692 ceased it’s offensive state, and went into it’s dormant state , and the banging ceased. Upon entry to the house, all solid non biological material except drywall was damaged and two middle aged civilians were injured. Class A amnestics were issued to the witnesses.