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Photograph taken of SCP-XXXX at the sea floor near Hawaii

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The majority of SCP-XXXX exist outside containment, near the sea floor of every ocean. SCP-XXXX cannot exist outside of its habitat, as the pressure change in SCP-XXXX will cause the instance to explode and become terminated. Therefore, any caught instance of SCP-XXXX shall be contained in a deep sea Foundation facility with suitable containment cells. If caught and contained, SCP-XXXX shall be fed fish food once a day, with the amount being roughly 1/15th of SCP-XXXX's weight in grams. Containment aquariums containing SCP-XXXX should have an extremely high water pressure, and no less than 30 cm thick glass, as a breach in SCP-XXXX's containment will almost always cause the termination of SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX are visually and behaviorally identical to the species Typhlonus nasus, also known as the faceless cusk. Key differences between Typhlonus nasus and SCP-XXXX are that SCP-XXXX has been found by both Foundation and civilian vessels in every ocean on earth, as opposed to Typhlonus nasus being native to the oceans around Australia. The other key difference is that in every caught instance of SCP-XXXX, human remains have been found in SCP-XXXX's digestive system.

The human remains vary greatly from each caught SCP-XXXX instance. The remain have always been recently ingested, and the person the remains belonged to is random. Dissections have produced remains that have belonged to presidents, kings, and recently deceased civilians, as well as currently alive persons. Of all recorded dissections, 38% of remains found were of a person who was killed in the past 10 centuries. 22% of remains found were of people still alive, of which none were missing the remains found. The remaining 40% were unidentifiable by any genetic records the Foundation possessed. It is under assumption that these remains were of people who existed before their genetics could have been preserved, or of those who have not yet been born.

SCP-XXXX dissection log

Origin: Instance of SCP-XXXX was found near the Arctic Circle, deep in the Arctic Ocean.
Remains part: Femur with muscle tissue stripped. Two fingers.
Remains origin: 8-9 year old female of Russian descent. Died 30-40 years prior.

Origin: Instance of SCP-XXXX was found halfway down the Marianas trench.
Remains part: Eyeball, still connect to small piece of brain matter.
Remains origin: 45 year old male of South African descent. Died 200-300 prior.

Origin: Instance of SCP-XXXX was found in the gulf of Mexico.
Remains part: 23 toes. Missing toenails.
Remains origin: 32 year old male of Korean descent. Person still alive. No contact attempted.

Origin: Instance of SCP-XXXX was found near the coast of Brazil.
Remains part: Lower jaw, teeth missing. Also two elbows.
Remains origin: 94 year old female of Native American descent. Died 300-350 years prior.

Origin: Instance of SCP-XXXX was found off the coast of Japan.
Remains part: Entire head. Caused SCP-XXXX to have a swollen appearance.
Remains origin: Former president George Walker Bush.

Origin: Instance of SCP-XXXX was found in the mid Atlantic.
Remains part: Two knees. Two elbows. Stomach acid of SCP-XXXX had human saliva.
Remains origin: Senior Researcher Hobbes. Hobbes had no comment upon being notified.