The Disappearing and Reappearing SCP

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be locked in a windowless 6x6x6 containment cell. It is to be monitored via interior-pressure lasers indicating the presence. Should abnormality be recorded, Doctor ████ is to be alerted immediately. Reasons for this are strictly [REDCATED]. Warnings are given out to Scientific, Security, D-Class, and other personnel should testing, janitorial, or other duties be performed near the SCP.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a somewhat black hole humanoid entity, measuring approximately 1.7 meters in height and about 12-28 inches across. SCP-XXXX's behaviour has been recorded in one main fashion: SCP-XXXX sits at a window when direct eye contact is adhered to, however, when eye contact breaks, the SCP has reportedly vanished. Reasoning has been theorised and tested, however tests have shown otherwise hence the theories remain theories.

SCP-XXXX's anomalous actions cause worry and scare in individuals victimised against SCP-XXXX.

Addendum: The following is the after action report given by Captain Rex Lamford of Mobile Task Force unit ████████ upon containment of SCP-XXXX.

June 23rd, ████.
My team is tasked with evaluating and containing an entity classed anomalous due to it's actions. Little did we know the hell hole we were about to go through. Whatever it's now classed, SCP-XXXX or whatever, yeah, that bastard.. we didn't know what we were going into. We tried talking to it, non-contact attempt to drag it, you get it. But it didn't listen. One of our lads went outside around the house to look for another entry, however we already breached then bam. The thing disappeared. We were frightened. We looked outside and saw our Operative on the ground. I'm still waitin' on the death report but I can't tell shit. We ended up getting it into the temporary cell and escorting to Site ██. Cap'n out.

Researcher ██████ decided to show the Captain the death report. The following is said Death Report.

DECEASED NAME: Lee "Hardass" ████████
DECEASED OCCUPATION: Mobile Task Force Unit █████████ Senior Operator
CAUSE OF DEATH: Pressure to the base of the skull leading to suffocation.
LOCATION OF DEATH: ████████, Arizona State, USA.
CORONERS NOTE(S): Further investigation saw that Lee's Cause of Death was so fast he couldn't react. I guess as soon as he looked away, in less then two seconds he was dead. I believe this SCP shouldn't be Euclid but Keter. I'll be honest. This thing's a real shitface.

The Captain quoted after reading: "Fucking hell. I feel bad for Hardass. Get this piece of paper out of my fucking sight before I rip it."