Jack’s 1st SCP: WIP: Site 57

SCP-FF is an anomalous facility masquerading as an official Foundation site located in northern Brazil. It appears to retain a consciousness of its own, despite being unstaffed. The entire facility anomalously is controlled as if by an AI, although no core programming has been discovered. The discovery of SCP-FF will be from a multitude of emails received by multiple foundation personnel, which appeared to be formal and official requests for various things. Everything from the simple such as reporting a minor incident of a broken pipe and requesting a replacement be ordered, all the way to requesting the transfer of other SCPs. It will, however, be incredibly inept at this task and not understand proper Foundation protocol. For example, it will list SCPs by the hexidecimal version of their ID instead of the regular one.

Special Containment Procedures: Regular surveillance of the facility by multiple cameras to be planted throughout should be checked regularly for any new developments within the anomalous facility. All logged accounts on the foundation's email servers automatically delete all incoming emails surced from SCP-FF.

Potential Ideas:
1. SCP-FF produces it's own anomalous SCPs, all though most are ineffective or inconsiquential, and list them with serial ids that don't yet exist. (i.e. SCP-7829 becomes SCP-1E95, and is something like a music sheet that gives you a bad rash upon reading it, or perhaps a humanoid that just sleeps forever and makes fingers grow out of whatever they touch. Other unimportant things like that)

2. SCP-FF will mimic or try to copy the rest of the foundation to further blend in by creating shoddy replicas of other SCPs. (To be called SCP-FF-1s) (i.e. SCP-500 becomes SCP-1F4 and only cures minor headaches, SCP-682 becomes SCP-2AA and is a rather docile and unintelligent reptile that regenerates 102% faster than natural reptilians)

2a. Also use some of the newer SCPs if I go through with this, as the "How to Write an SCP" guide suggests.


Item #: SCP-FF

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-FF is to be installed with standard issue cameras equiped with scotopic hardware for low-light conditions. Said cameras are to be installed in regular intervals, maximizing coverage of as much area as possible. A minimum of one gaurd is to survey the feed of these cameras for any excesivly anomalous or undocumented cases of SCP-FF-1.

Emails, letters, and radio communication should be systematically logged for review by avaliable researchers. If recieved data is left unreviewed for 48 hours or considered consistent with previous contact from SCP-FF, all included data is to be automatically deleted.

Description: SCP-FF is an anomalous complex of buildings resembling an abandoned coal plant located in northern Brazil, 625 km north of Manaus, Amazonas. Taking up roughly a 50 km^2 of land, the facilities’ exterior consists of 4 smoke stacks, 2 large warehouse structers, a main factory building, and 2.7 km of conveyer belt that feeds
into multiple hoppers.

Discovery: SCP-FF was discovered as a result of over 35 emails received by foundation personnel, two of which sent to the classified foundation addresses of the O5 Council. See Addendum-FF-1.