The Pandorica
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SCP-3677-1 and SCP-3677-4

Item #: SCP-3677

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
At all times, SCP-3677 is to be contained in a Standard Secure Object Locker within Site-73. It is recommended that SCP-3677 be kept in a controlled environment with a temperature that is regulated below 297 Degrees Kelvin with humidity kept at a stable 45% rH. These procedures are in place to prevent erosion, fading or other forms of damage to the materiel of SCP-3677.

Access to SCP-3677 for research purposes requires Security Level 2 clearance. Exposure to harsh light for prolonged periods is prohibited, therefore limiting any sessions with SCP-3677 to a maximum of 10 minutes, with 12 hour intervals. It is strongly advised that any photography of SCP-3677 be carried out without flashing equipment and at low levels of light to minimize exposure. Photographs, digital or printed, of SCP-3677 are to be retained within the Site at all times.

SCP-3677 consists of a 4 page document written on parchment paper and cut to the approximate dimensions of 270x138mm. Both the ink and the parchment can be radiocarbon dated to a point of origin in the late 19th century. Pages 1 and 4 are near identical illustrations, while the remaining pages are handwritten in Chinese script (Jin dialect). The meaning of the illustrations has yet to be deciphered by Foundation cryptographers but the main body of text has been translated several times over.

The text of SCP-3677 is a political manifesto defending the Qing Dynasty and the “Militia United in Righteousness” (rough translation), more commonly known as [REDACTED]. The text covers a range of topics; from unequal treaties imposed by foreign powers, to religious freedom and the importance of self-discipline. However, SCP-3677-3 contains no overtly political message, but rather a series of linguistically ambiguous lines that, when translated, reveal a set of oblique phrases that can be linked to major historical events. The text within SCP-3677 has been analysed for authenticity and studies conducted by Dr. A. ████████ have placed the publication of SCP-3677 in the year 1900. Given the year of publication, the details enclosed within SCP-3677 regarding future historical events proved so accurate that The Foundation was compelled to recover the object.

Addendum 3677-1: Partial Translation of SCP-3677-3

Addendum 3677-2: Recovery Log

Addendum 3677-3: Update Log