The Time Travellers Journal

Item #: SCP-4916

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4916 is to be kept in a 41.91 cm x 33.02 cm x 15.24 cm box with two independent key locks that must be turned in opposite directions at the same time and an onboard touch screen with two different number pads displayed like a modern telephone. The passcode must be punched in at the exact same time on both number pads for the keys to register. The passcode has 18-24 numbers that changes every hour. On duty security personnel will be updated of the passcode on authorized channels. The box is to be contained in a 3.048 m x 3.048 m room with a podium in the center. The room has two cast iron vault doors that must be shut and locked at the same time and a bulletproof window facing the podium. This room is currently at Site-22. Any personnel that wishes to conduct test on SCP-4916 must have Level 3 or higher clearance and authorised documentation stating your full intentions signed by the current Site Director.

Description: SCP-4916 is a 25 cm x 19 cm brown leather bound book with a strap that connects to a broken lock mechanism. The pages are basic notebook paper that seems to have aged several centuries based on the dark yellowish grey color. The lettering is still legible and seems to be some form of Latin with a reliance on thin straight lines and sharp angular corners. The lettering seems to have been written with a quill dipped in an ink well. The same lettering can be found on the front of the book. So far all language, cipher and even mathematical experts that have worked on deciphering the book between the years 1982 - 2018 have only had the front of the book and six pages deciphered to the best interpretation. No one is absolutely certain that this is the correct translation. The front of the book says "The Infinity Journal". The book by observing it seems to have 300 pages but when opened hundreds of thousands of clean white pages with the same lettering spring to life as if they came from nowhere. From what was deciphered it is hypothesized that the book is a journal from a time traveller due to pages, in what is theorized to be in order, jumping sparatically between locations and time periods but a narrative does progress throughout. The six pages deciphered are documented and recorded with an audio log which should come packaged with this file.


These are the deciphered entries. Note that this maybe completely incorrect due to the nature of SCP-4916. Viewer discretion is advised.

Addendum-1: Page 32,669

SCP Foundation Site-19 03/26/4916

I went back to the time I left. It's hard to imagine how much of a fucking dofus I looked back then. So much time has passed and naivety didn't do much for me. All this time I had to find the answer. The one to the call. The call that rings in my ears begging me to save them. I wish I knew who it was, what they were, all of the small details that simply not knowing something doesn't afford you. Back then it was just my mission. Go find the source. They gave me this piece of shit to travel with. Couldn't even give me the newest model that was available. Fucking suits if I ever knew them but as it is growing up as a citizen, if one is to survive they must obey. I need get back to my work. So much to fix with so little time. I hope my hunk of junk lasts.

Addendum-2: Page 254,904

Rouen, France 05/30/1431

When I arrived I had to witness a young French woman being burned alive. At first I wondered what that was until it hit me like an 31st century history textbook, that was Joan of Fucking Arc. Holy shit that was way more interesting than all those dumb preschool classes made it out to be. I guess that's what happens with history. Most crap gets so mundane and dull that it loses that shock factor. The tip Cleopatra gave me five weeks ago has led me here. I dont really know what I'm looking for. So far most answers to questions have only led to more places to go. I will document my current findings on the next page. In all honesty, there isn't a whole lot that is worth writting down.

Addendum-3: Page 832,222

Rome, Italy 07/19/64 AD

The city is on god damn fire. I have seen warzones, mass suicides, great plagues yet nothing has a underlying despair like the screaming of burning men, women and children whom have no way to be saved. To be frank, I don't want to go in. My last encounter with fire was really high in the air and I almost didn't survive that one. The tip I got from some hippie high on PCP back at Woodstock led me to this specific moment in time. I would be lying if I said wasn't afraid of being burned alive in a time period I didn't belong in and not being able to see my husband again. Yet the call beacons me and the fucking Foundation thought it was worth looking into. What's supposed to happen has got them really, really scared. I don't blame them really. I might as well get to it.

Addendum-4: Page 1,430,896

Columbus, Ohio 05/16/2009

It is days like this I love time travel. That show was off the fucking chain. Who knew that one of the most remembered musicians in history would have been that amazing to see. During the time I almost forgot that I was here for my mission though it is always about the mission. I did find what I was looking for and this goose chase is starting to get somewhere. None of this makes any sense but if my own personal hypothesis is correct that means the thing I'm looking for, the thing that's calling me, is further back in time than this. I just don't know where and when. Actually it could be a bit further in time than this. Time travel really does a number on your perception of days. Thank whatever god people pray to in these times for a book that doesn't end, I might just be at this forever.

Addendum-5: Page 30,563,000

Munich, Germany 09/08/3255

I forgot about the greatest world war there ever was. I mean there is a smaller one about a few hundred years after this but this is the war that gave the Foundation the freedom to act as government rather than just some shadowy organization. It was this war that gave birth to a nation that would unite all the nations in, a few hundred years time. I also miss pew pew laser rifles. I can't take one while time traveling. It's one of those dumb rules that keeps the fragility of time intact. It has to be rule number insert big ass number here: Only use weaponry that's available in the time period you're currently in. Don't take and leave as it were. I fucking hate this. All I want is to go home. I miss him so damn much. If I don't make it back, I hope he forgives me.

Addendum-6: Page 560,789,234

Hiroshima, Japan 08/06/1945

Today is the day. Those elementary school history lessons really did pay off in general and random factoids that had no real worth in my life until right now, on this day. I have been here for two years just waiting for today. Thank whatever god of this time period I'm Japanese. Intergrading into the culture was easier than I expected. I have spent most of my days guarding the thing I was supposed to find. My piece of shit that I traveled with should have never disintegrated in the middle of a fucking time jump when I was on my way home with this dumb thing. On the next few pages are going to be a series of codes I can jot down before I die. It is because of this book that the Foundation knows there's something and something to stop it. Maybe in this timeline they will crack my code, maybe not.