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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, it cannot be contained. All data collected on SCP-XXXX is to be reported to the project head. Any unauthorized persons found observing SCP-XXXX are to be detained and given Class-A Amenstics. No personnel above Class-C are allowed to enter SCP-XXXX's radius. No personnel are allowed to enter SCP-XXXX without permission from the project head.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a space that extends 5.62 meters in all directions. At the center of this space is an indescribable sphere that is SCP-XXXX's core according to itself. SCP-XXXX is apparently able to observe its immediate surroundings, though it claims that is perceives less than a human. The amount of real world space that SCP-XXXX is able to occupy seems to increase at a rate of 1 centimeter per year.

SCP-XXXX is able to temporarily overwrite the reality of the space it occupies. An example of this would be a replica of the Earth existing inside it that lacked gravity being present inside of SCP-XXXX in one point in time. It was concluded from this incident that the amount of space present inside SCP-XXXX is not equal to the space it occupies in the real world. After a series of tests, there are no currently known limits regarding SCP-XXXX's reality warping abilities inside its itself. SCP-XXXX is able to move its physical location in the real world at a rate of 0.5 m/s.

SCP-XXXX is unable to affect reality outside the space it occupies. SCP-XXXX is also unable to permanently affect the reality of spaces it has previously occupied. Any warps in reality vanish immediately after an area is no longer occupied by SCP-XXXX. Humans inside areas previously occupied by SCP-XXXX as it relocated have lost memories regarding SCP-XXXX when no longer inside. Personnel that have exited SCP-XXXX have retained their memories of it.

SCP-XXXX is able to prevent objects from leaving the area it occupies. There have been instances when personnel have been unable to enter or exit SCP-XXXX for extended periods of time. Personnel not being able to enter SCP-XXXX as it changed locations has resulted in the creation of exact replicas of all real world objects still present inside SCP-XXXX. Replicated personnel lacked memories of the interaction with SCP-XXXX that resulted in replication but were able to recall all memories before that point. Personnel that have left SCP-XXXX after a replica had been created have either vanished, caused the replica to vanish, or both to vanish. The creation of energy was measured when both the replica and the original were erased.

SCP-XXXX is able to freely release objects into the real world. Any objects created by SCP-XXXX vanish upon entering the real world. If part of an object created by SCP-XXXX is in the real world, only that specific part no longer exists. Any real world objects released from SCP-XXXX do not vanish. Released real world objects that were previously modified by SCP-XXXX have not retained any modifications upon leaving it. Personnel that were forcefully released from SCP-XXXX rather than being allowed to willingly exit have lost memories regarding SCP-XXXX. Objects such as cameras have been able to retain information after exiting SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX is able to change how the space it occupies appears to outside observers. The foundation's discovery of SCP-XXXX on 4/13/2014 resulted from SCP-XXXX changing the appearance of its space occupied to the words, "Secure. Contain. Protect." SCP-XXXX communicates with personnel inside it through a male SCP-XXXX that calls itself, "Loki," now referred to as SCP-XXXX-1. Personnel have been unable to fully describe his physical appearance. All personnel have reported it to be a boy around the age of fifteen with "electric green eyes." SCP-XXXX has cooperated with the foundation since its discovery. The reason for this is unknown.

The first interview was conducted on 4/14/2014, the day after SCP-XXXX was discovered.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1

Interviewer: D-7128 and Dr. Brook

Foreword: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX being unknown, D-7128 was sent into SCP-XXXX equipped with an earpiece to investigate. Upon entering SCP-XXXX, there was a fifteen year old boy with electric green eyes(as described by D-7128) waiting for D-7128. Everything around the boy was described by D-7128 as "empty space." Dr. Brook, who was observing from the outside, stated that once D-7128 entered SCP-XXXX, the appearance of the space changed, showing D-7128 standing on gravel. Dr. Brook was not able to observe anything else regarding SCP-XXXX.

<Begin Log>

D-7128: Uh, what the fuck is going on? (To dispatch) What do I do? There's nothing but a kid here, and I mean literally nothing. Okay. Okay. [D-7128 looks at the boy] Hey kid, what's your name?

SCP-XXXX-1: Welcome to my wonderful home- Wait, you want my name? [The boy smiles and becomes excited] I've never had anyone ask my name before. You can call me Loki!

D-7128: Well, uh, that's a nice name.

SCP-XXXX-1: Thanks. You know, D-7128, thank you for asking for my name, but you seem a bit uncomfortable with this interview. You're just doing what the guy in the ear piece is telling you to do, and you want to get out of here as fast as possible too. Core, can we fix that? [The ear piece falls to the ground and morphs into a speaker. D-7128 ceases movement completely, but is still able to observe.] Hey, whoever is on the other side! You can talk directly to me now!

Dr. Brook: [Takes a moment to compose himself before speaking] Hello Loki, how are you today?

Dr. Brook: I'm doing quite well, thank you very much. I apologize if I sound rude, but are you SCP-XXXX?
SCP-XXXX-1: Oh, so that's what you call Core. D-7128 didn't even know what Core was designated as. You have a lot of these anomalies, don't you?
Dr. Brook: Please answer the question.
SCP-XXXX-1: Whoops, sorry. I don't really have experience talking with real people, so I'm a bit nervous. No, I'm not 'SCP-XXXX'. I'm not Core, either. I’m human. I guess you could say I'm a creation of Core, but I'm kind of a part of Core at the same time. It's hard to describe. I'm different from the other people he's made, because I'm more connected with Core.
Dr. Brook: I do not understand.
SCP-XXXX-1: [SCP-XXXX-1 begins eating a chocolate bar that was not previously in his hand] Core let's me do what I want for the most part. I'm not allowed to go to the outside world though.
Dr. Brook: Who is this Core you keep mentioning?
SCP-XXXX-1: That's what I guess you'd call the 'center of SCP-XXXX,' or the 'brain.' I call it Core. Core controls everything that happens here. Core can't really be destroyed, so if you want, I can show Core to you.
Dr. Brook: I won't be joining you inside SCP-XXXX. If you could introduce Core to D-7128, that would be much appreciated.
SCP-XXXX-1: Sure. [D-7128 is able to move again. SCP-XXXX-1, the speaker, and D-7128 change locations to another 'empty space.']
D-7128: What- [D-7128 is able to now see what SCP-XXXX-1 called 'Core.'] What the hell is this?
Dr. Brook: D-7128, describe what you are currently seeing.
D-7128: What, how did we get a speaker in here?
Dr. Brook: Describe what you are currently seeing, D-7128.

D-7128: It's a sphere. I-I don't know what else I can say about it. I can't find words to describe it.
SCP-XXXX-1: I'm getting a bit tired. Core, mind if I end the interview here? I can? Thanks! You guys can come back later if you want. We don't mind. End Log!
<End Log>

Closing Statement: D-7128 exited SCP-XXXX carrying the speaker, claiming that he could not control his body while inside SCP-XXXX. Upon exiting SCP-XXXX, D-7128 was carrying the ear piece in one hand. The ear piece was the exact same size and there was no change to its functionality. D-7128 was able to recall all events that transpired inside SCP-XXXX. D-7128 was consulted on his experiences inside SCP-XXXX in order to complete the log.

The second interview was conducted 4/22/2014. SCP-XXXX had not moved from the space it was occupying at the time.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1

Interviewer: D-7128 and Dr. Brook

Foreword: D-7128 was sent into SCP-XXXX once again with an ear piece and camera attached to D-7128's head. The camera was set to record before it entered SCP-XXXX. When D-7128 entered SCP-XXXX, D-7128 was sitting on an exact replica of the Statue of Liberty located in New York City. It resembled the statue in every possible way, including size. D-7128 was sitting on the crown. D-7128 was able to observe humans, believed to be tourists, below D-7128. D-7128 turned to his right and saw SCP-XXXX-1 sitting next to him.

<Begin Log>

D-7128: What's going on, kid?

SCP-XXXX-1: I don't even need to read your mind to know that's you asking the question, man. We're sitting on the Statue of Liberty. Can't you see the green and feel what you're sitting on? Look! There are even tourists!

D-7128: [D-7128 listens to orders from dispatch] Is this the real Statue of Liberty?

SCP-XXXX-1: [SCP-XXXX-1 sighs] It's not the one in your world. It's the same building, just here instead. The one in your world is still there. [D-7128 listens to dispatch] Core, mind if I make this process a bit easier? Thanks! [D-7128 opens its mouth and makes noises mimicking those on the other side of the ear piece. D-7128 is still wearing the ear piece.]
D-7128: [Dr. Brook speaks into ear piece] Hello? D-7128? Respond.
SCP-XXXX-1: Hello again, sir. D-7128 is acting as a speaker this time. Just say whatever you want to say.
D-7128: "Where exactly is this Statue of Liberty located inside SCP-XXXX?"
SCP-XXXX-1: [SCP-XXXX-1 smiles] New York City.
D-7128: Please elaborate.
SCP-XXXX-1: Right now, D-7128 is inside the Earth. Not the Earth you guys are on, obviously, but it's Earth. It should have all the features that the Earth had on… What was the date? Oh, 4/15/2015 in your time. All the animals and people that were present on that date should be here too. Of course, time isn't stopped so this Earth has been changing and the history may be a bit different, but that doesn't really matter.
D-7128: Are SCP Foundation buildings present in this replica as well?
SCP-XXXX-1: How about you find out for yourself? We'll let the camera record as much as it can. I'll try to get as many of your buildings in too. This camera is able to record 300 thousand frames per second and has a decent amount of memory too. I don't think I can get the entire Earth in with this memory without modifying the camera though, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't keep its new specs in your world. How do I do this? Speed up time and have the camera fly around should do the trick, right? [SCP-XXXX-1 pauses for ten seconds] Alright, that's done. Any more questions before I send you guys out?
D-7128: [Dr. Brook pauses for a three seconds before speaking] How did SCP-XXXX learn about the Foundation?
SCP-XXXX-1: How do I explain this? Um… I guess I can try to explain it like this. SCP-XXXX is able to move around in the physical world. This was before I was born, but eventually SCP-XXXX had an agent of the SCP Foundation inside it. Accessing the agent's memory and knowledge, it learned of the Foundation. Is that a good enough explanation?
D-7128: Of course. [Dr. Brook pauses] Is SCP-XXXX willing to cooperate with Foundation experiments?
SCP-XXXX-1: Why would Core reveal itself if it wasn't? I'm honestly pretty curious about what you guys do too. So, yeah. Don't bring in this D-7128 guy though. His attitude is a bit annoying. Send an actual researcher in or something.
D-7128: Noted. Your second request will be considered. If SCP-XXXX is cooperative, would it be willing to relocate to [REDACTED]? We'd rather not have to waste Amnestics.
SCP-XXXX-1: Amnestics? Never mind, I'll find out about it later. Yeah, we'll relocate. It might take a while though. Could you tell me where exactly it is again just to make sure?
D-7128: Of course. Being more specific, the coordinates are [REDACTED].
SCP-XXXX-1: Alright, thank you sir. I'll be sending D-7128 out with the camera then. End Log!
<End Log>

Closing Statement: D-7128 saw a door in front of itself 0.3 meters way. D-7128 walked towards the door, at one point walking on solidified air to do enter it. D-7128 was then outside of SCP-XXXX. D-7128 attempted to flee but was then restrained. The camera was removed from D-7128 and analyzed. A video with audio could be loaded from the camera, the memory of the camera was full. The video showed various buildings also located in the real world along with humans near every building. Most buildings shown were tourist attractions. The video included numerous buildings of the Foundation from multiple different angles. Many of the humans in the video were able to be identified using facial recognition. A notable portion of locations and Foundation buildings were missing from the video. SCP-XXXX-1 could not be seen in the camera, though its voice was recorded by the camera. Dr. Brook stated that the voice he heard while inside SCP-XXXX was not the same voice in the footage.

SCP-XXXX had relocated to [REDACTED] on ██/██/2015. An interview was conducted by Dr. Brook the same day.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1
Interviewer: Dr. Brook

Foreword: Dr. Brook volunteered to enter SCP-XXXX to learn more about the anomaly. In order to perform tests inside SCP-XXXX, Dr. Brook attempted to have D-8293 enter SCP-XXXX with Dr. Brook. D-8293 reported that it was unable to enter and Dr. Brook entered SCP-XXXX alone holding a camera. Dr. Brook found himself on a river boat cruise on the Po River in Venice. There were numerous other humans on the boat, and SCP-XXXX-1 was sitting next to Dr. Brook.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Brook: Electric green eyes… About fifteen. You're SCP-XXXX-1. Where are we?

SCP-XXXX-1: So Amnestics are things used to erase memories. That's pretty cool! Don't worry about not being able to describe me. It's because I'm incomplete. Oh, and answering your question: We're in Venice.

Dr. Brook: [Dr. Brook pauses] What is the purpose of me being here?

SCP-XXXX-1: It's a cool place for an interview. I thought that you'd ask why I wasn't confused about you calling me SCP-XXXX-1 first. You aren't amused by my answer? Fair enough. I can understand why, considering you were hear to confirm some of the 'reality warping properties of SCP-XXXX.' You're pretty brave, though. You were afraid to come in here, since you didn't know what would happen. But you did it anyway. I admire that.
Dr. Brook: [Dr. Brook stares at SCP-XXXX-1]
SCP-XXXX-1: Mind reading. Anyway, you wanted to know if you could actually do tests. Not right now. I just want to show you a few things. Come on! [SCP-XXXX-1 puts a hand around Dr. Brook's shoulder and jumps. Dr. Brook begin floating upwards and phase through the ceiling of the river boat. Various other humans are floating as well, shouting and screaming.
Dr. Brook: [Dr. Brook is unable to speak.]
SCP-XXXX-1: Zero gravity! We'll keep going up forever. The people are panicking though. Guess they're not having as much fun as I am. I thought this would be more enjoyable than it actually is for everyone else. Core, mind reversing time for everyone but SCP-XXXX-1 and Doctor Brook? [ Dr. Brook is still sitting next to SCP-XXXX-1 on the same river boat.]
Dr. Brook: [Dr. Brook is able to speak again] What- [Dr. Brook inhales then exhales] was the purpose of that?
SCP-XXXX-1: Entertainment, but no one found it entertaining. I have a lot to learn, I guess. I have a question for you. Is the world I exist in any less real than yours? Am I any less real than you?
Dr. Brook: [Dr. Brook doesn't respond]
SCP-XXXX-1: You don't want to answer because you genuinely don't know what the answer to that question is. That's okay, I guess. I know I'm real, but I still want to see your world one day. I love this world, but I feel… I don't know. I feel as if there's no point to anything. Even though I have anything I want, because I'm human I don't feel satisfied. Why did Core have to make me an authentic human? Sorry! I'm going on a tangent again.[A door appeared in front of Dr. Brook] You want to exit, you can go through that door. I promise that 'SCP-XXXX' will cooperate with your tests later. You don't even need to enter to give instructions, though it'd be nice if someone could visit. Thanks for letting me waste your time today. I learned a lot. [Dr. Brook does not respond and walks through the door with the camera.]
<End Log>

Closing Statement: Five seconds had passed before Dr. Brook exited SCP-XXXX. The footage from the camera confirmed that Dr. Brook was in Venice. Though Dr. Brook claimed that time in the space was reverted to a previous state, the camera record any footage proving the statement. The camera recorded the interview between Dr. Brook and SCP-XXXX-1, though Dr. Brook claimed it was missing footage of gravity being warped and time being reverted inside SCP-XXXX. Dr. Brook has edited the log to include the missing footage.

Document XXXX-A The following is a test log concerning SCP-XXXX. These tests were conducted in [REDACTED]. All experiments were performed on the same day. The space SCP-XXXX occupied was measured to be 5.59 meters. It was noted that SCP-XXXX was able to perceive objects outside of its radius, as it was given instructions by personnel not inside it.

Experiment: SCP-XXXX was told to move one meter as fast as possible. It moved one meter in two seconds.

Experiment: SCP-XXXX was told to prevent D-7128 from entering it. D-7128 was thrown towards SCP-XXXX but was unable to enter.

Experiment: SCP-XXXX was asked to allow D-7128 to enter it. It was then told to prevent D-7128 from exiting. D-7128 was launched into SCP-XXXX but was unable to exit.

Experiment: SCP-XXXX was told to move ten meters while preventing D-7128 from exiting. The moment SCP-XXXX left the space which should have held D-7128, an exact replica of D-7128 was standing in that location. This version of D-7128 had no memories of being launched into SCP-XXXX. After confirming that another D-7128 was still inside SCP-XXXX, it was told to release that D-7128. The replica remained, while the D-7128 released from SCP-XXXX vanished. This test was performed multiple times. In eleven out of twenty tests, the original version of D-7128 vanished. In eight tests, the original remained but the replica vanished. During the final repeat of this experience, both versions of D-7128 vanished. The generation of energy was measured in the area where both SCP-XXXX
Experiment: SCP-XXXX was told to bring back D-7128. Nothing change occurred.
Experiment: SCP-XXXX was told to release an object that was created inside of itself. The object instantly vanished upon exiting SCP-XXXX.
Experiment: D-7623 entered SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX was told to release D-7623 from itself. D-7623 appeared at the edge of SCP-XXXX, staggering forward. D-7623 had no memory of entering SCP-XXXX.
Experiment: D-7623 entered SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX was told to move ten meters while preventing D-7623 from exiting. Once this was done, a replica of D-7623 was created in the space which should have contained the original D-7623. The replica of D-7623 was then told to enter SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX was instructed to allow the original D-7623 to exit. The original D-7623 did not vanish, while the replica remained inside SCP-XXXX. The current status of the replica is unknown.
Experiment: SCP-XXXX was told to expand the amount of space it occupied. No change occurred.

Document XXXX-B The following is a record of changes that have occurred regarding SCP-XXXX.

2/14/2016: The space SCP-XXXX occupied was measured to be 5.60 meters.
2/14/2017: The space SCP-XXXX occupied was measured to be 5.61 meters.
2/14/2018: The space SCP-XXXX occupied was measured to be 5.62 meters.
Note: SCP-XXXX has not shown any signs of growing before or after March 14th. SCP-XXXX has always expanded 1 centimeter in size during March 14th.